While you Weren’t Looking!

This post was from a while back and I am just updating it!

Yes, while you weren’t looking…I actually finished something for myself! It is amazing the color change from taking this picture under my stitching light to the other one which was taken in natural light.

Beading Beading1

I beaded the words and the lotus blossom. Lots of trial and error till I got just the right colors.


Then the Kreinik that I wanted to use became a discontinued color! Luckily my stitching buddy Debbie had left over from hers and gave it to me.

The plan was to basketweave his face, but as I started I realized that it was not the #4 as marked, it was too heavy and covered up the shading too much. Oh no, what to do?

It needed to be an open stitch, so I just worked a darning pattern, actually stitched up much quicker!

I probably started this 2 or maybe 3 years ago, as I remember bringing it to the Blue Bonnet Retreat the first time I went to work on the beading of the words. I could also tell by the tape that I used on the edges too!

So what was I to do next? well bring it to the framers of course! New Creations in Pasadena, California where the brilliant Nancy and Andrea frame, and frame they do brilliantly.

I took some pictures as we worked away. It helps you see things in a different way when taking the pictures. I also had a friend on the other end that was giving me a thumbs up or not! The gold frame was quickly ruled out by all of us, but the frame on the left is a good possibility.

This mat is not quite right…

This frame is great, but too heavy with the piece. It overpowers it.

Found the right mat, which is the one on the left, with the first frame that we looked at. Now  all I have to do is anxiously await that phone call “your framing is ready to be picked up!”


And the next best thing is someone telling you “do you know you won a ribbon?” Well I was busy walking around the French Quarter and not there when they opened the doors. Now what do I stitch for next year? I better get busy!

AlleyCat loves, loves, loves these coffee carry out holders. She tears them up, pushes them all over the house and often sits on it, in it and then naps on it. Silly girl!


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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

18 thoughts on “While you Weren’t Looking!

  1. Nice award, Vicky….congrats. It’s beautiful and I remember when you started it. Isn’t it satisfying not only to finish, but to receive a ribbon? I have three new adoptees, and Bagheera is as black as your Alley Cat, but with much shorter fur. He looks like he almost has a buzz cut. His new quirk is dragging my Nikes around by the shoelace.

  2. Congratulations, Vicki! I remember you working on this piece. It is beautiful and the award is well deserved. See you soon. Susan P

  3. Congratulations Vicky! Although I’m not surprised. Nina always used to say you were the best stitcher she ever saw. And compliments were hard to come by with Nina so when you got one you knew you really deserved it. This piece is beautiful.

  4. Congrats Vicky! I remember when you were working on this. The mat and frame are just beautiful with the piece and of course your needlework is as always, outstanding. Funny thing about those coffee carriers… my cat loves them too. I don’t know what it is about them but she rolls all over them and pushes them around. Funny girl! My Red Sox were in your area the past few nights so of course I had to stay up and watch the games. First place right now but a very tight pennant race. Sept and Oct should be very exciting. Good to always read your blog.. I miss it when you are not blogging. Take care my needlepoint and baseball friend.

    • Thank you too to my needlepoint and baseball friend! I did go to a few of the games to say goodbye to Big Pappi, but forgot all about being a National League Park, he wasn’t playing. But I did get to see him pinch hit! It is so sad to see these greats retiring…

  5. Hi Vicky,

    I saw this at seminar and it is spectacular. It is so 3 dimensional looking. The pictures don’t do it justice. Your stitching is impeccable and the framing is just icing on the cake. Wow. Can I ask you what size beads you used? Thank you.

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