I’m late! I’m late for a very important date! mutters the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. No time to say “Hello” good bye, I’m late! I’m late! I’m late! Now we mustn’t be late for the wedding of the century! Are you going to get up and watch it?
There have been lots of plans and preparations going on, not only for the Royal Wedding in London with all it’s pomp and circumstance, but with stitchers all over across the US! From Rittenhouse in Philadelphia who is celebrating the Royal Wedding by serving tea and scones at their shop…to Chaparral in Houston who is celebrating by having a Royal Wedding Super Sale for the day… to the Thread Garden in Ventura who will celebrate the Royal Wedding with a special day of stitching the Royal Monogram designed by Gay Ann Rogers and eating a Royal Brunch!
Coastal friends are planning on watching the wedding while chatting on Facebook of course while wearing their finest hats! Barbara Elmore was so inspired by Wendy Harwood of Aristea that she baked a batch of these divine butterscotch and walnut scones to celebrate with. I feel that they will be totally consumed long before the wedding starts! Gay Ann Rogers has been entertaining us royally for the last few weeks, with trivia, pictures of royalty and their finest wedding gowns and some new wonderful designs. She has the Royal Geometric Heart, A Royal Geometric that can be placed in a hand made box, a Royal Sewing Case and of course Royal Scissors Fob. I hear that Thread Gatherer dyed a very special silk just for this project! Many of the stitchers who ordered these from Gay Ann will be stitching the night away on them!
How are you going to celebrate the Royal Wedding? Alleycat presents herself to you in one of her finest Royal positions. and until next time…keep on stitching