all I want to Christmas is more time to stitch? is that possible? is that doable?
I have been a good girl and have been very nice too. Here I was dreaming that I was going to have lots of stitching time for myself…what was I thinking? OMG was I out of my mind?
As you can see I have another canvas from Pepperberry Designs as the one that I stitched and is already in the finisher hands…well it seems that the painting elves forgot the red in the peppermint stick. So I am stitching another one…I really love this canvas and the designer person behind it, so no problem!
I will take this with me to NY and this will be one of my stitching pieces while I am spending the holidays with my family. I will try to do the beading before I leave and then just stitch. Heck I could even stitch on the plane, something that I very rarely do, as I would rather read or even take a nap.
If you notice in the bottom left of the picture is a bag of Bella Lusso thread and that is for another project with a whole lotta Turkey work! hint…hint it will probably use about 28 skeins total just for this one part, and tonight I will start the 13th skein of the Bella Lusso!
Here are my boxes and boxes of threads for my 3 classes. I am waiting for my overdye threads and would like to assemble the bags, but I think that it will wait. I am pretty sure that I am going to spend some serious time separating and organizing and hoping that everything is here. Yes there is a cat sleeping on the pillow on my bed!
and until next time…keep on stitching