A great new canvas by Lisa Krause for Maggie…Lisa is also the creator of these clever frames that are made just for Maggie’s and Ewe and Eye’s canvases.
I don’t know what I like better, the frame orĀ
the canvas. How about you? I love, love, love this canvas and I know that I would really enjoy stitching this. But then I have to step back and really think, when would I ever have time for this? I did bring home about a dozen canvases…but who’s counting anyway? from the show for model stitching and classes on the horizon.
I kindly asked Maggie and Lisa if they would consider making small snippets of the sayings. Did you take time to read them all? They are quite clever!
As my garden grows…This is the Flower Market, a canvas by Sundance Designs that was stitched by Laura Taylor. Not a small undertaking, by any means!
Sundance created some smaller vignettes from the large canvas. This was the one that was taught at market by Laura Taylor. I signed up for this class, even though I could only stay a little while. I can’t wait to get back to stitching this canvas!
Three additional smaller canvases were created out of the larger masterpiece. A great idea for someone who doesn’t have room to have the larger canvas grace their walls or can’t commit to the time to stitch it either.
They are still working on the sand castle!
A foggy evening in San Diego. Straight ahead you are looking at the convention center. I was on my way for dinner and a little adult beverages and not necessarily in that order!
okay…what can I play with Mom?
and until next time…keep on stitching