and the cats are still speaking to me! can you believe it? I had a wonderful time but it was time to get home. I changed my plans and checked out of the hotel yesterday morning and drove home last night…to absolutely no traffic! Stopped for a few groceries and of course a little treat for me and my feline.
so what do you think is all I had last night? yes, AlleyCat and I shared our favorite.
Thank you to Alison of A Stitch in Time, the 4 Fabulous teachers…yes there is a reason that they are called the Fab 4! all of her wonderful crew members, Alison’s husband Dan and all the stitchers in class that made it a weekend for the memory books.
I have so much more to share, but for now I have lots of unpacking to do, plants to water, piles of laundry and oh yes lots of attention to bestow upon my cats.
and until next time…keep on stitching