How’s your New Years Resolutions doing? I’ve given up saying that I’m going to lose weight, save more money, blah, blah, blah. How about you? I want more blooming orchids! And it looks like I have a few that are going to do just that soon.
After following a feed on Facebook with many of my stitching friends that set their sights on wanting to finish 19 projects in ‘19, I became motivated! I wish them happy stitching and hope that they make their goal. I know that there is no way I can do that much with as much as I work at the shop. So I’m going for 9.5 in 19. A mixture of ornaments, strawberries from Barbara’s Needlepoint in South Dakota and a few of my large pieces. Including Bastet the Cat that I started ages ago and closest to being finished, the Perfume Bottles with stitch guide by Susan Portra, Merrybright Emporium with stitch guide by Sherry Bray and last but least is the piece that we started stitching with Tony Minieri in France.
AlleyCat was hard at work supurr~vising today as I was working on a stitch guide for the shop. I just really need more time in my day. Maybe that could be my New Years resolution?! To create more time in my day. I really manage my time well and don’t waste much of it. Let’s see this morning I went out to breakfast, came home and moved my Christmas from the house into storage, shopped for kitty food, paper supplies, came home and did housework, laundry and watered the orchids. A few had to be sent to orchid heaven as one was overwatered and the other was getting “stuff” on it, and didn’t want it to travel to the others. Plus this is a good excuse to buy a few more!
Now I’ll settle in for a night of stitching and tv watching. This is when it’s that time of the year to say that I’ll see you in a few months. First headed to Oregon at the end of the month for my birthday weekend, then it’s off to Blue Bonnet stitching retreat a few weeks later and to end up with our big event at the shop, so no time to blog.
Happy stitching!
Happy travels and happy birthday, Vicky! Will miss your blog during your posting hiatus but look forward to your return. (If you create more time in the day, tell us your secret, please!)
Thank you Wendy!
Happy birthday Vicky from your other Wendy blog reader. Looking forward to your return.
Thank you to my other Wendy!