You can never have enough threads! These were the new items introduced to market by Access Commodities. You know the distributor that your LNS orders Trebizond, Bijoux and Soie d’Alger from…
I will say it again…you can never ever have enough threads! You know you are home stitching away and you need a Kreinik 005 Black in size #4… you get up and look for it. You have a 12 and an 8 and ooh you find a 4 but its 005C, which is cord. Not going to work.
So I love to have lots of possibilities at home while I’m stitching. You never know when you are going to need some special thread!
New colors of the silk wrapped pearl purl, which one of these days I am going to find the right canvas to use this! The purl is in the small plastic boxes and now they are grouping it with a silk couching thread.
Many of the these threads that you are seeing here are threads to be couched and not necessarily stitched through your canvas.
Now this is what you can do with that silk wrapped pearl purl…isn’t this amazing?
These are silk combinations that are group together in color families. Beautiful colors! and these are threads to stitch with.
All good things must come to an end as this was the end of the show as Meredith of Elizabeth Turner Collection and her amazing crew were breaking down their booth. See ya soon sistah! This is also the end of my pictures from market, but soon enough we will be in Dallas for yet another market with more picture and more adventures.
Sylvester is working hard supurr~vising! and well you know it’s Saturday morning and its time for breakfast at The Cottage and a little retail therapy.
and until next time…keep on stitching