A Blast From My Past!

Talk about unfinished projects! This canvas is something that I was working on probably about 15 years ago and totally forgot all about it. Really I did! Well see I have a little storage spot that is a few miles from my house and that is where this has been hiding. You know out of sight, out of mind. I have been methodically working on cleaning up “the stuff” in there an hour or two a few times a week.

This is a Terry Enfield canvas, one of many of hers that I have stitched over the years. Sadly she no longer designs for needlepoint canvases, but her line lives on through Red Thread Designs. This is to be folded up into a handbag, but my thought was to have it framed thanks to a Brenda Hart suggestion. Yes Brenda believe it or not, sometimes I really do listen to you!

I can see that I was in the process of doing a little reverse stitching in one of the corners. And OMG there are no beads in this! I am sure that I will take out what I barely started in the center and do something with beads. The dragonflies and butterflies need eyes, so I will try some beads there, but maybe they will be too big?

I have quite a bit of it finished and luckily I didn’t really stop in the middle of a section so that I will panic about finding the threads. I remember that I was working on this with Anchor or was it DMC Floss and Kreinik 102, Vatican Gold. Floss you say? well I remember now was I never able to match it to silks that were available at that time. Plus that many years ago after I invested a huge sum of money into a Terry Enfield canvas, I couldn’t spend that much more in buying silks.

I probably will not even think about putting a needle to this till I come back from market. I will need to go and do some thread shopping for some more Anchor or DMC floss and see if I have any Vatican Gold Kreinik laying around. I am not going to change the threads now in the middle of it all. I could miraculously find these threads in a bag within my thread stash…I can hope can’t I? This will be “for me stitching” when I can sneak in some time with it.

I didn’t support the local economy in La Jolla too much yesterday. Just a few cards at Warwick’s and ordered the book “Yes Chef” by Marcus Samuellson. You know him, the young chef from Ethiopia that is on Chopped and Top Chef and all those great cooking shows. I do like to support the independent bookstores and I don’t want to read on a e-reader.

The kids were enjoying the sun on the balcony yesterday till the sun moved enough and AlleyCat was left out in the cold until…

she decided to go and find some of her own sun! and until next time…keep on stitching


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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

4 thoughts on “A Blast From My Past!

  1. You know, the texture of cotton is perfect for this piece. Good luck figuring out what you want to do with it. I know you will do this lovely thing justice.

    • Oh thank you Jane! I will have it framed for sure. I really don’t have that much left…just need to buy more floss! After I come back from market.

  2. Oh Vicky, I love Terry Enfield Canvases and have about 4 of them that are packed away to be worked on. I have always been drawn to Asian and Terry Enfield Canvases. I am anxious to see what you do to this canvas. I hadn’t seen this canvas before and now that I think of it I bet I have more than 4 packed away. Look forward to seeing you sometime too…maybe I will venture down and take a class from Brenda. I’ve never had the pleasure and always hear and see such pretty things designed by Brenda. Thanks for sharing this beauty to us this morning


    • Thanks Sue! I think her canvases over the years have been my favorite. This will be framed for sure! There isn’t that much left to do, just finding the time, Take care!

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