A Celebration of Life…


One of the most difficult times in our lives is saying goodbye to a loved one. It is a sad time, there is no getting around it. They will be missed and their leaving creates a void that can now only be filled with memories. Remembering the good ones and hopefully holding the tears back if just for a few more moments.

It is with a very heavy heart that I tell you that Wendy Harwood of Aristea fame, left us all too early. As Raymond says “Ol’ girl is up there stitching in heaven right now.” I am sure that all of you in our needlepoint family know or have heard of Wendy at some time or other either by visiting her shop…

or stitching one of her pieces that she had written a stitch guides for. I would marvel at how she would just sit down with you and on the spot and create a personal stitch guide with hand drawn stitches done to perfection! or stitching one of her Melissa Shirley masterpieces?

What a creative mind for stitching she had! OMG the ideas and the techniques she used on her canvases…well it made you say “I just have to stitch that!” When I was starting to stitch the Fab Firs, I had brought them to Aristea to show them to Wendy to collaborate with her and her brilliant stitching mind. I can remember her telling me “give them the unexpected!”

I would like to share some of Wendy with you now… and thanks to Jeannine for sending me some of these pictures

The girls were modeling their fascinators last year in honor of the Royal Wedding. From front to back is Virginia, Wendy and Jan.


The girls were celebrating the holidays. Wendy is in the middle wearing white. My million dollar question is…why does Laura, who is standing next to Wendy have not 1, but 2 glasses in her hands?

One cannot properly celebrate Wendy’s life without including a picture of Melissa Shirley. They were the best of friends and Wendy’s annual retreat was always with a specially designed canvas for it by Melissa.

Comments from Melissa’s website…isn’t that a great color on Wendy?


Wendy visited her daughter in Africa last summer and I just love this picture. I can just imagine that she wanted to teach these children how to stitch!

Getting ready for another party at Aristea! These girls are having way too much fun. Wendy is in the back center of this photograph.

One of my favorite memories of Wendy is from the Dallas Market of 2011 when she held a needlepoint class at the midnight hour for Missy, Jeannine, Lisa and myself on stumpwork and working with silk ribbons! What a blast we had and all the stash that Wendy brought for us to work with.

Wendy doing what she did best…writing stitch guides! She helped celebrate the grand opening of BeStitched in Scottsdale last summer. A surprise visit by Missy made the weekend quite spectacular!

Wendy autographing the board at Bedecked and Beadazzled when she taught there a few years ago. Sometime you will have to ask Missy to tell you the story of when Francis & Missy took Wendy to the baseball game at Camden Yards. Be sure that Missy tells you how much she loves baseball!

Wendy thank you for being my friend if only but for a very short time. I am sure that there are many friends and stitchers who have now welcomed you into their stitch in… where the threads are always precisely laid, the colors blend perfectly, your stitch selection is right on the money and you never have to unstitch anything, your needle will never be misplaced and you will never ever drop your scissors. You will be missed more than I can ever say… and I will not say goodbye, but rather see you again sooner or later.


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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

13 thoughts on “A Celebration of Life…

  1. Thank you, Vicky, for letting us know about this very sad news and for your lovely tribute. I learned how to needlepoint at Aristeia and had the privilege of sharing a table every Monday night with Wendy and Bev for about 8 years. Wendy’s works in progress always blew my socks off. Her passing is an enormous loss.


  2. Vicky, Thank You for the news and for the beautiful, eloquent tribute
    to Wendy. She was, indeed, one of Needlepoints’ Super Stars.
    She is now in a place where there is no more pain, and that is a
    blessing. Amen.

  3. What a wonderful tribute, Vicky. As one of Wendy’s blessed former employees pictured in a photo above, I can only agree with everything you wrote above. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Vicky

    What a beautiful tribute to Wendy. She was always very nice to me and she was a talented Lady. She will be missed by so many. Thanks for sharing your pictures and saying it so well.

    Sue V

  5. Beautiful tribute, Vicky.
    Wendy, you fought the good fight and though we will all miss you, you do not have to fight anymore. You were one of the most creative stitchers we had and that will be missed, as well as your wonderful person.
    I won’t say good bye – only ‘so long, Wendy!”
    SuZy Murphy

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