A Little Bling in Your Life!

I loved my class with June McKnight sooooooooooooo much on Friday that when she mentioned that she had a few more openings in her class on Saturday for “Bling it On!” I quickly signed up. There was not much stitching in this class, but rather is more of a note book class with all kinds of stuff to add to our stash. Here are sequins from The Collection, A Treasure from Mill Hill Beads, a bead tray from BeadSmith and rhinestones in 2 sizes. Now I have never used rhinestones, so I will need to give that a try when I find just the right canvas.

Sundance was very generous with an assortment of beads, sequins, Sparkles along with a little how to information to use the Sparkles. Class was wonderful and the time went by all too quickly and soon it was time to get to work and get our booth show ready!

The Ohio State Alumni Band gave us our wakeup call! You can see to the right that they are getting ready for the ribbon cutting ceremony to open the show.

Almost ready! just need a little more greenery at the base of the trees and the lights turned on… and ooh I forgot to share some of the stash enhancement from Sample~It last night.

Belle Soie had 3 new colors that they were introducing to their line. Thank you Sharon for your new additions!

Mindy had a selection of some of her new canvases packaged with Soy Luster. It was agonizing picking just one!

It was tough deciding, that I just needed another! This one is my favorite. I have seen Mindy designing and painting her new canvases in her shop in Eugene, OR. I say “Mindy, do you design on paper or your computer first?”… “oh no, I just paint right to the canvas and I just keep painting till I like it!” Well I love all of her new canvases introduced at market and could have easily ordered every single one of them. Just saying…

Let me introduce you to The Count of House Cleaning, FrankenVacuum and the Kitchen Witch…aren’t these the cutest? They are from Sew Much Fun and they come with the beads to make the jointed legs and arms. These girls are so talented and I have lots more pictures of their new stuff to share with you soon.

There was a little lull in the afternoon, so it was time for a walk to see what kind of trouble I could get into. This is a new canvas by Lee and is on the small size. I ordered the one on the left which is on 13 and I envision making a really purr~fect red bow tie with River Silks for the kitty.

The kids and I were having some play time! Now I need to get on the road for my trek for more stash enhancement in canvases, threads and beads and ooh my framing too. and until next time…keep on stitching



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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

6 thoughts on “A Little Bling in Your Life!

  1. Love the 3-D Hallowe’en folks! I need to go to Sew Much Fun….maybe the witch first – hard to decide. The new Belle Soie silks are gorgeous. The Fab Furs are beyond gorgeous, what an incredible job you did with the stitching.

  2. I was just looking at Mindy’s new canvases and these two are also my favourites. The soy lustre thread colours look wonderful. I haven’t used it before – are there any tips or tricks for stitching on 18 count canvas?


  3. A pleasure seeing you back at posting. So happy to hear you had fun. Wish I could folllow the stash enhancement with the new thinhs and that black canvas? need to get one. Just wonder if Midnight will accept a ribboned tie – knowing hiw much he “hates” ribbon

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