A Little Stash Enhancement!

Stash enhancement can come in many forms… a new canvas, some threads, maybe newly introduced ones or much needed ones to finish a project, a pair of scissors…well you get the idea. This time it was some beads, Miyuki Tila beads.

They look like little tiles and can you see the 2 holes that go through them? You would run your beading thread through both sides. I bought some to experiment with on the Cat’s Night Out. They are the right size, but I am thinking that the colors aren’t right. I did want  black, but they were out. OMG how could that be that they were out of the color that I wanted?

Have you seen the cover of the July issue of Beadwork magazine? Well there is this drop dead gorgeous bracelet made with Tila beads. The beads are laid out in a big open square and then a flower is created with beads that blossoms within the squares. I would love to apply that technique to canvas!

I love these beads! The idea works beautifully in my mind, I just need to have the time, the right canvas and the right colors of these Tila beads. One of these days!

I stitched the night away on Cat’s Night Out while watching a little baseball. The kids were no where to be seen this evening….but it never fails as soon as the lights go out a certain feline person gets the midnight frenzies and she will rename nameless.

AlleyCat was posing for us! She wants to make sure that you saw the cat fan that I took out of storage as I ready for the summer months. and until next time…keep on stitching



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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

13 thoughts on “A Little Stash Enhancement!

  1. Ooh, love those tila beads. Could you use some of the turquoise beads on top of the black squares (between the white squares) on the Cat’s Night Out canvas? I see some stash enhancement in my future.

  2. Gorgeous beads – so where do you buy them? At a bead shop or online? Love the cat fan – and nice job posing for all of us enjoying your blog AlleyCat 🙂

    • I bought them at San Gabriel Bead Company in Arcadia, CA. I am sure that on line shops such as Artbeads.com or Fusionbeads.com would have them.
      AlleyCat sends you her best meow!

  3. That is a great fan. It’s about time fans became decorative. But it’s not as decorative as Alley Cat is. 🙂

  4. My hands are itching to hold those tiles. Needles to say I love Alley Cat and especially the Alley Cat-looking fan but I love the plant between them. What is it? Looks so velvet-y

  5. I have a friend visiting and she just started beading that bracelet last night. It is gorgeous. Now I’m dying to bead something! Loving cats night out.

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