A Little Stash Enhancement!

or should I say allot of stash enhancement? Look at these wonderful threads….Pepper Pot Silk by Planet Earth Fibers. Love this stuff! love, love, love, did I say love enough?

I ordered a designer ring awhile back, which a designer ring is 1 of every color. They came beautifully packaged in numerical order, as if I were to hang on the the walls. I have thought about having some slatwall installed in my stash closet to hang some of my threads…but then I thought kitties and hanging threads, not such a great idea!

The Pepper Pot made a detour trip to the studios of Needlepoint Now for its photo shoot. Elizabeth painstakingly grouped them into color families, which I like awhole lot better. But since I am not hanging it on my walls, it is instead stored in a thread box, patiently waiting for me to select some of this thread for my next project.

I selected every good red for this canvas. Tomato, Chili, Cocktail Sauce, Beet, Watermelon~are we eating or stitching? I narrowed it down to Cocktail Sauce. I knew that I would need to purchase a few more skeins before I started as I wanted to make sure that they were all the same dyelot. You know that routine. In the meantime I started the stitch that I wanted to try with a great color of Splendor… I was enjoying it so much that I lost myself in the canvas and before I knew I had enough done to know #1 I loved it! and #2 I wasn’t taking out what I had stitched already to try it with the Pepper Pot.

I so do enjoy stitching with the Pepper Pot Silk. If you have the opportunity to try some, you should…No plying, feels wonderful in your hands, goes through the canvas with ease, a little heavier than Impressions and a little thinner than Vineyard Silk. Beautiful for basketweave and did I say no plying? what’s not to love about this wonderful thread?

I wanted to make sure that you saw all the colors. Hiding underneath is the Keep Calm and Love Dogs canvas. I should be able to finish up the canvas this week!

I have not yet hung my Keep Calm and Love Cats on the wall yet…it is still lives wrapped in the paper from the framers. I got it out as I wanted to look and see how I angled the C or was it the O? Well whatever. Guess who wasted absolutely no time at all finding a new napping spot?

don’t even think about leaving any pawprints on that glass AlleyCat! and until next time…keep on stitching



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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

8 thoughts on “A Little Stash Enhancement!

  1. I recently completed 2 Melissa Shirley cuff bracelets done all in basketweave with Pepper Pot silk and Kreinik Braid #12. Just love Pepper Pot! It is a delight to stitch with!

  2. Love the Pepper Pot Siks. Also love the cat and dog canvases. When will they be available and will they come with a stitch guide. I am an avid daily ready of your blog.

    • Thank you Babs! The canvas are available now and I would check with your LNS to order. The stitch guide for the Keep Calm and Love Cats was in the latest issue of Needlepoint Now…the one for Keep Calm and Love Dogs isn’t quite ready yet!

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