Guess Who’s Coming to Town?

Needlepoint Now! Meet the ever so charming and delightful Elizabeth, owner, editor, publisher, graphic artist, photographer and the driving force behind the magazine. Yes she will be here in person! Tell her in person how much you love the magazine…she never gets tired of hearing that, trust me.

So mark your calendars and make sure you don’t miss this. You don’t need to be a member of our guild to attend…just RSVP please and maybe before the night is over, you will become a member! It is a very exciting time for The San Diego ANG Guild, starting off with Elizabeth’s visit next month to Barbara Elmore teaching her wonderful Sparkles class in early May as she works the national circuit, to Margaret Bending teaching an exciting charted piece for us later in June and all winding up with San Diego being the host chapter for the American Needlepoint Guild Seminar in Anaheim, California this year.

Elizabeth has a short visit here and of course we will try to cram in all the must do things. A great dinner in one of the wonderful “which one do I select” restaurants, breakfast at The Cottage, some stash enhancement from the many needlework shops in the area, a little retail therapy… well she does need a little memento of her trip here doesn’t she? and whatever else we can cram into a short day. I wish Elizabeth could stay here longer, but she’s got a new issue of the magazine to ready for the printers. In case you don’t know it, she works very hard and many long hours. But when you love what your doing, you don’t notice the hours?

So please join us. We would love to pack the room and give Elizabeth a wonderful welcome to America’s Finest City!

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood yesterday…sorry don’t mean to rub it in to all the snow, cold and winter laden areas. Sylvester was enjoying some fresh air

and AlleyCat was wondering where is the birdie?

I know I heard one! and until next time…keep on stitching



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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

4 thoughts on “Guess Who’s Coming to Town?

  1. Sounds wonderful but it’s a bit of a drive to get there. I loved San Diego when we visited a couple times, but it’s just not on the schedule this year. Thanks for the lovely magnet, it arrived safely and is immediately took a prominent place on the canvas I’m working. It’s snowing here again, just a little, and it’s going to warm up this week, so it will be short lived. Pet the kids for me.

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