Does it want to stick around or not? You know after you have been living here in San Diego for so many years, you get so spoiled! It really warmed up for a few days, purr~fect temperatures, blue skies and just gorgeous. Then just as quickly as the weather turned beautiful, it forgot that the date on the calendar shows that spring is supposed to be here! It has cooled way down again and there is more rain headed our way.
The lousy weather yet again made me think of spring. Opening day is just 2 weeks away… well of course I am talking baseball! Spring hopes eternal where all teams start out fresh with the dreams and inspirations that this year, well this year will be the year that you win it all.
So I am thinking more of the beautiful flowers that are blooming in the Flower Fields and of my Spring Crazy Quilt. As you can see, I did finish all the base stitching of the 21 sections, made great headway on the basket and have all my beads, needles and beading thread laid out and ready to go. Instructions in hand and I will just need to keep the cats away from the beads! I am really thrilled with the way it is coming out so far and my creative vocabulary has somewhat diminshed.
My to do list of taxes and assorted miscellaneous take me away from my stitching has been taken care of. I am thrilled! The only thing next to do from now till I get on the plane is stitch and stitch and stitch. Did I say stitch? Along with writing the stitch guides almost simultaneously. I am trying to start to do the preliminary guides on my iPad as I stitch… if I wait too long to write it down, well it seems to disappear from my memory.
AlleyCat can’t make up her mind if she really wants to get in that box… it’s like she is testing the water. She sat like that for what seemed like furever. Funny Girl! and until next time…keep on stitching