I’m So Confused!


Why you might ask? I’m so confused because when I look at my Christmas Cactus…I ask myself, is it the holidays already? The plant is aptly named because it does definitely bloom for Christmas and has done so every year especially once I moved it outside. But my confusion comes from…why is it blooming now?

I am even deeper into the state of confusion as I still have so much more to share with you from our Fab Four class. I am not sure where I left off! I have not even loaded all the pictures onto my computer, so let me begin with what is still more from day 1 when Tony was working with our group. There were 2 tables and we were really just getting settled in and warmed up!

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This was the wonderful window display at A Stitch in Time. Not only is this an amazing needlepoint shop, there is knitting and a gift section. I have bought some absolutely great Halloween decorations here over the last few years. I wonder what I will add to my collection this year!

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Tony was working with Pat on her Valentina Heishman canvas of all these wonderful fruits. We saw it develop over the next 4 days and she did start every single fruit!

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Tony was working with Chris with her beautiful floral canvas. The blue canvas that you see is Elizabeth’s Winter Tree of Life by Zecca.

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Okay it’s my turn!

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In between turns it was always time to shop! A beautiful selection of Vineyard Silks selected for another project.

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Our other table and they were working on a Christmas doll house by Peter Ashe and a tuxedo kitty by Maggie.

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I kept thanking her for stitching that kitty canvas for me!

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Maryellen is working on the 5 Halloween Witches by Melissa Shirley.

Fab Four 21

Checking into see what Suzanne was working on with her group! and there is still lots more to come in the days ahead about our class…

My magazine work is all finished for the November/December issue of Needlepoint Now… well except for the proofing, but that won’t be for a few weeks. I have been working on some projects around the house and stitching. No I don’t have time to work on my 2 class pieces as first comes my homework on the 4th of July March for the magazine. We all have sections that we are stitching to make sure that we understand Susan’s dictated stitch guide so that you will understand it too.

My assignment starts off with the red velvet hat and the beaded headband on the Bald American Eagle. I was almost finished with the beading, when I realized that I wasn’t pleased with my work… what was I to do? luckily I hadn’t just vacuumed that day…so the beads were cut out as I would never give that to be photographed for the magazine. It was so hot those few nights that I was beading, plus I worked with the canvas upside down.

Beads were redone and I am so glad that I did that. You know I have learned over the years, if even think for a second…should I rip or shouldn’t I? well you should! You will never ever be happy with that section and your eye will go right to it.

My other section of stitching was the tummy on the Bald American Eagle and I finished that up without incidence. Next in the stitching queue is the red door by Annie Lane and other top-secret projects. I just got some new canvases for models for the TNNA Winter Market and rumor has it that another project is on the way to me.

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AlleyCat got a new egg crate, since she tore the other one apart. I just realized that today is Friday the 13th…guess I am not


Time to get to work and until next time…keep on stitching


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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

4 thoughts on “I’m So Confused!

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your class with us. For those of us who can’t be there at least we get a glimpse of the fun you had. I am coming along with the 4th of July. I have all the sky stitched (didn’t think that would ever end) and now on to some of the more fun stuff.

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