It’s Summertime!

Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The most daylight for stitching and the official start of summer! While “googling” summer solstice this morning, I found many interesting facts and celebrations from years past and many current solstice happenings surrounding this day. For me it will be all needlepoint related including getting packed and ready to head to market.

This canvas is by dede and it has always been one of my favorites! Oh the fun with beads and stitches that I could have. Looks like Belle Soie 3~Alarm Fire could be the red to use. dede has also now done some smaller sun faces in the colors of 4 seasons.

Mooch & Earl have the right idea as they nap under the tree. I went to bed very late last night…well for me anyway and I feel that I could easily go back to sleep. Any who knows, I just might!

AlleyCat was a busy girl yesterday as she purr~sonally gave her paws of approval as I was printing stitch guides.

And Sylvester! what can I say? I took out my computer bag as I start packing. A magazine and a book comes along to keep me occupied on the plane. For some reason I had thrown my purse on top of the bag and he thought it was a good place for a nap. Ooh by the way, I don’t stitch on the plane, I either read or sleep.

As always I will have lots to tell you from market from my classes to Sample~It to my classes to the show itself with all the wonderful new and exciting must haves. and until next time…keep on stitching



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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

4 thoughts on “It’s Summertime!

  1. Alley Cat looks very professional, I can see attention to detail
    And Sylvester, one word: awwwww. I just feel like hugging him

  2. Oh, smoochies to Sylvester! What an adorable picture. You know that he’s saying “Momma don’t leave me behind! I blend right in; no one will ever notice me.”

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