Have you met Mr. Crow yet? or seen him? Well let me introduce you! Mr. Crow is another amazing creation by Melissa Shirley of Melissa Shirley Designs, which was all the rage at the summer market in June. He really is wonderful and I have fallen madly in love with him.
I am getting to know Mr. Crow quite well as I have been stitching away on him over the last few months. Hopefully you will get to love him just as much, as I start sharing some pictures with you of him in the coming days, of his beautiful brocade coat, his beaded eyes, textured vest and incredible wings. I cannot take any credit at all for the stitches, as they have been planned out for me by Wendy…you know Wendy of Aristea fame, as I am stitching it for her shop. I am sure one of amazing stitch guides will follow soon after it is finished!
Melissa got to see it last week and she told me that she was so thrilled that I was the one stitching this. OMG! did my heart skip a beat on that one. Thank you Melissa as you made my day! I am really working on this round the clock so that we can have it ready for your booth in January.
I took a little road trip to Aristea earlier this week as we needed to tweak a few of the threads and finish charting out a few more stitches. I probably could have done it myself, but I would rather have the influence of her shop being that I have not yet graduated from the Wendy school of color and stitches. Wendy is such a visionary and so talented and she comes up with the most amazing thread and stitch combinations.
I needed to order some more beads for the pumpkins as they were out of that one color and I wanted them yesterday! I also need to go hunting for buttons for his coat. I did a fair amount of reverse stitching the last few nights as we realized that I needed to restitch the vest in a different thread and color. You know, you just don’t know if it’s going to work until it’s in. The key is knowing that it doesn’t work and doing something about it. Stitching on Mr. Crow is a nice break for me as I just get to stitch and lose myself in the piece. I am loving it!
AlleyCat is trying to keep her little behind warm…or is she just giving me the cold shoulder? I don’t know about her sometimes!
Thank you to Laura Taylor for stepping in and helping me see what I needed to with Mr. Crow. A little prayer goes up for Wendy everynight that soon we will see her smiling face back in her shop. and until next time…keep on stitching.
Perhaps you had a visitor in the lamp shade? Or maybe she was just posing to see if she could make you take her picture?
yes that was it! she was waiting for me to take her picture!
I stand for my initial thought – she’s waiting for a phone call
LOL! you are too funny Palma!
Uh oh, Sylvester better start appreciating Alley Cat! She’s got other kitty admirers.