Look at Me!

The magic fingers of the finisher that takes our little piece of needlepoint and turns into a show stopper! Wow is all I can say.

When I was working on these Fab Firs, the Deeva and I of course discussed how I saw them finished. I knew that I didn’t want to do them as ornaments, being that the Creepy Characters were done that way. I thought that we need something different, something to make them a standout and have people take notice. I envisioned them in a grouping to place on a table or on your mantle in varying heights so that you could see each and every one of them at once.

On one of Deeva’s roadtrips last year, they visited Barbara’s Needlepoint in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. You know that any needlepointer out there, just has that burning desire to visit every single shop in every single city that they pass through. Well the Deeva is no different than the rest of us!

I hear Barbara has quite a wonderful shop that I hope to visit one of these days…and she does all of her amazing finishing right there! Deeva sent her the trees and like any true artist, Barbara needed to think about it for awhile. Well not too long as there are deadlines you know. She had the stands custom made by a metal working shop that shares her building with her. Did I get that right Barbara? I really love what you’ve done with them!

These 3 made a preview appearance at Needlewoman East with the Deeva herself last week! I heard that the reviews are in and that they were quite the hit. Barbara is working hard to have the other 6 ready for us at  the TNNA Summer NeedleArts Trade Show. NeedleDeeva will be in Booth #803 which is front and center when you enter the show floor. You can’t miss us! So please stop by and say hi to Team Deeva, we would love to see you.

The Fab Firs will then make another appearance at the American Needlepoint Guild’s Seminar in Philadelphia later this summer. There is always a judged exhibit at seminar and I always enter something. Deco Kitty is going too, but at the last minute I had this idea to enter these too. Which reminds me, I better fill out the paper work before I miss the deadline!

What have you been stitching on these days? Anything exciting and fun? I am working on Deco Kitty and will share with you my results. The Tila Beads didn’t work on that piece, as the colors weren’t purr~fect but I am sure that they will work on something else!

AlleyCat was a lazy girl this morning as she didn’t want to join Sylvester for breakfast! I think she was waiting for me to serve breakfast in bed…I don’t think so young lady. Anyhow she will show up when she is good and ready. and until next time…keep on stitching



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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

10 thoughts on “Look at Me!

      • or maybe she’s considering a diet. You never know . Love the trees Vicky but looking forward to seeing Deco kitty

        • Oh no Palma, don’t think so. I rescued her from the alleys of La Jolla 6 years ago as a little bitty kitty and I have been told that once they live like that for awhile that their appetite is never sated.

          p.s. Haven’t heard from my framers yet…maybe next weekend?! They know of my deadlines

  1. i love the finished furs. What a great idea I esp. like the different heights. Alley cat looks very comfy with the kitty print pillows. Looks like alley cat is living the good life.

  2. Vicky – I am so honored that you are entering these beautiful trees at ANG seminar! The stitching on these is spectacular – and your own ‘private collection’ of crystals and beads are simply a wonderful touch to the beauty of these pieces. Now, I’m calling Mary to tell her that her beautiful quilt is under that charming sweet brat of a kitten!

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