
Hearts by NeedleDeeva, photography and layout by Needlepoint Now! Elizabeth is sharing her photograph with us so I can tell you all about Sample~It night at the Summer TNNA Needlework Market. These 2 canvases along with their stitch guides will be in the July/August Needlepoint Now. You will be able to have them in your shops before the magazine arrives! There will also be a bead packet available for a one stop shopping.

Next Friday, June 22nd Teem Deeva will assemble together in Columbus Ohio where we ready for the Summer Needlework Market. I absolutely love doing the markets! It is allot of hard work, long days on your feet, lots of walking, little sleep, but oh so much fun!

Friday is setup day and somewhere in the middle of that I have a class with June McKnight teaching Melissa Shirley’s Boo Kitty. Now how long I stay in class will depend on how far along we are in setup and if we are ready for Sampe~It Night.

Now what is Sample~It you ask? This trade show is one where only orders are written, there is no merchandise to be taken home with you…except for Sample~It. This is 1 hour of fast and furious shopping with cash, check or charge and before there are sell outs!

Of the 26 hearts that I have stitched for NeedleDeeva over the last few years, the ribbon rose one is my absolute favorite! I have to thank Wendy and Laura of Aristea for channelling their style of ribbon work that empowered me to create these flowers. And yes I did say 26 hearts!

So if you just have to have these for your shop, please stop by and see us next Friday night…or if you would like your shop to get them for you, please give them a call and let them know! You will have them in your hot little hands as the magazine comes out.

Wednesday was a great baseball day with 3 games of a 1-0 score… I love a pitcher’s duel! and there was also perfect game. OMG that is on my bucket list to someday hopefully experience that in person. I texted a dear friend about the 7th inning who is a season ticket holder with the San Francisco Giants and asked her “you are at THE GAME, aren’t you?” you know it is bad luck that you are never supposed to mention that the perfect game is a possibility. She said no, that she had gifted her tickets to a client. Oh you are so generous K! Even though the pitcher gets most of the accolades for pitching the perfect game, it really is a team feat as the players give up their bodies to  make it a possibility.

AlleyCat…well she was being an AlleyCat. and until next time…keep on stitching



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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

7 thoughts on “Sample~It!

  1. I got to see the last 3 innings on ESPN! Before that I listened to it on We don’t get Giants games here as we are considered a Dodgers (boo) market! I bet your friend is kicking herself.

    • I am sure she is! I am glad that you got to see a little bit of it. I often watch the Giants games as I love your tv announcers…and one of the regular guys was not there either!

  2. Pingback: Update: Hearts by NeedleDeeva! | River Silks Blog

  3. I love these hearts. I’ve wanted to learn how to do the ribbon flowers and this may be a good way to learn using your instructions. hopefully they aren’t to hard. now all I have to do is hope myLSO goes. She was undecided about it the last time I talked to her, she is more into knitting and expanding that part of the store. I can’t believe you trust alley cat not to jump. I have one that I wouldn’t trust not to try it.

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