First there was Black Friday, then Cyber Monday and now there is Small Business Saturday, November 26th, which is next Saturday. Are you ready? I know I am!
All you have to do is register your AMX Card with American Express for this one day event. Go shopping at any small business that you can think of on next Saturday, spend at least $25 and American Express will give you a $25 credit on your next statement. How great is that?
Small businesses are the heartbeat of America! Do you know that they have generated over half of all the new jobs created over the past 15 years? Where would be without so many of the small specialty shops that we all frequent? They know your name, they greet you with a smiling face, they know your likes and dislikes and will chat a bit with you.
Thanksgiving is just a memory by now, some of you were crazy enough to brave The Black Friday Shopping at the malls, so now it is time to do some shopping for yourself. Our favorite needlepoint shops sure would be a great start for a small business Saturday purchase. A few threads, a new magnet or even a gift certificate which you could put away for yourself to use at a later date? As you support the needlepoint shops with your purchases, we also are supporting the canvas designers, the thread companies which can hand dye their threads and so much more. It is a win win! you get money for spending money! I know have I my shopping list ready and will spend at least that much shopping in all my favorite spots in La Jolla.
I spent many daylight hours yesterday stitching on Mr. Crow and the vest is almost restitched. I am just need to add a bead to the top of each little pumpkin that is in the vest design. The other beads that I ordered for the brick beading of different pumpkins on his brocade coat arrived yesterday. I am thrilled! sad to say that the cost of the postage far succeeded the cost of the beads! Well you know, it is worth every penny. I promise pictures are coming!
Now do I want to stitch on Mr. Crow again today? or should I stitch on Raymond’s Asian Lantern? decisions! decisions!
I didn’t hear not even a little meow from AlleyCat for hours yesterday, so I went hunting for her. I found her in her upstairs bedroom as she poked her face up to say “now why would you wake me up?” and until next time…keep on stitching.