What a Week!

What a week it was! TNNA Summer Market, taking classes, needlepoint, stash enhancement in more ways than one, teaching classes and even more of enhancing the stash! Hanging out with Team Deeva and the best roomie this side of the Mississippi or maybe it was that side? What could be better than that?

Speaking of cats, well I am sitting here looking at one at the moment…this was my first class at market. It came between setup and Sample It and it was a great way to kick off being at market. Canvas is by Melissa Shirley, stitched and taught by June McKnight. I had met the canvas long before this market and Melissa actually told me that she designed the canvas specifically for stitches from June’s book Spooky Stitches.

June was dressed in her Halloween finest and was evoking a spell upon us to ease the challenge of working on black canvas with black thread! It worked as we seemed to all sail through that part.

This was the first class that I had with June and in the short 2 hour class with her, I learned so much! It was a great class and I absolutely loved it…well it is a back cat, what’s not to love? I will look forward to stealing away some time to stitch on it.

A purr~fect little piece! The 3~D little pumpkin was a quick learn and it is in her book.

NeedleDeeva booth all set up as we walk out the door to setup for Sample~It. The models and all of the finishing touches are added in the morning. I think it looks mahvelous!

The Deeva is ready! It was a quick setup and now it is time for me to do a little shopping as once the doors open…well to say it is utter chaos is an understatement.

Our neighbors were Timeless Totes and Charlie Harper. We would all have a very busy night!

The doors are almost ready to open. I better get back to work…just a few more pictures!

This is what is called the great wall of yarn that has been moved into share the room with the Needlework Showcase. To the right is a young lady setting up a spinning demonstration and soon she will be surrounded by lots of TNNA members as it is almost show time!

After all is said and done we walked down to Short North which is part of downtown Columbus where the streets are lined with fabulous restaurants, galleries, boutiques and art shops. We went to one of our favorite spots Marcella’s and it did not disappoint! I finished up with another walk down farther to Jeni’s, the home of fabulous artisan ice creams. A great treat on a warm summer evening.

Again I am sorry that I deserted you last week! I took so many pictures and I will take you day by day of the market adventures as  if I was just happening. Better late than never!

I have been going nonstop since I have been home and I am still not totally unpacked yet. My house is a disaster, the clothes are piled up, plants need to be watered…need I say more? Today will be a busy day and tomorrow I have an early morning 2 hour drive up to San Marino to pick up Deco Kitty from the framers. Of course I can’t go there without breakfast at Julianne’s, a stop at A Stitch in Time to tell Alison how much she was missed at market and of course the bead store.

AlleyCat is keeping me somewhat within her sights…well somewhat. Sylvester is off in the distance sleeping on the bed. and until next time…keep on stitching



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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

4 thoughts on “What a Week!

  1. Just because you’re home and in the same room, doesn’t mean you are forgiven. You know that. It’s the classic kid – I want to be with you, but I’m mad at you still. Being gone is good but the aftermath of coming home leaves something to be desired. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new kitty. I’m on a no new stitching purchases diet, but this kitty may be the exception! I look forward to some more pictures.

  2. Dear Vicky
    Do you know if the Melissa Shirley cat above will be available anywhere as a kit with guide?
    Thant you

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