You’ve Got Mail!

What a wonderful week when you’ve got mail of needlepoint stuff and it is doubly better when you get not 1, but 2 packages from Bedecked and Beadazzled!

First was my threads and stitch guide for the 3rd mystery lesson for this amazing canvas. At the time of this mail arriving, I hadn’t yet started mine…but since first pitch on last Sunday I have been stitching away, or should I say beading away?!

This is Bastet, referring to the feline Goddess of Ancient Egyptian religion who was worshipped since the 2nd Dynasty. Wait, now why is Wikipedia saying that she was worshipped? Don’t we still adore and worship our felines to this day? trust me, AlleyCat reminds me on a daily basis that she is to be adored and…well you know the rest!

If you would like to see the magic that Ruth has been creating with Bastet make sure you take a look see. This was the last class a very long 3 weeks ago where she Bedecked, Bejeweled and Beadazzled the lotus blossoms.

The next lesson will be posted on this Sunday night and the question inquiring minds have… well this inquiring mind is asking “what area are you stitching next?” Is the amazing collar that Bastet wears… which I am sure will be beaded or is it the bottom panel? the middle top squares? and last but not least the stripes on either side and the sections with the hyerglyphics.

I am hoping that I will have lesson #1 which is the cat and lesson #2 which is the background finished before the next lesson arrives at my door. All I will say that it is allot of beads, but I am absolutely loving the look! I should have the cat finished by tonight.

The other package was the next in the Color Party. This month is red! Such wonderful red threads, sequins and of course we can’t forget about the crossword puzzle.

A few of my stitching friends and I are getting together today to stitch the day away. Of course lunch and lots of gabbing will be part of the day as we have lots of catching up to do! Just a little break from having to deal with a leak in my bathroom, from an un co-operative upstairs neighbor and the politics involved with a home owners association. OMG, so much wasted time that I could have been stitching instead!

AlleyCat had a wonderful time playing, posing and sleeping among the paper. I guess I am a mean Mom as I finally did pick the papers up and recycle them. and until next time…keep on stitching



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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

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