
It is still needlepoint, morning, noon and night! what could be better than that?

I am thrilled to say that I went back to work at the Needle Nook of La Jolla, where I had worked for many years… I spread my wings for a few years and now it was time to come back home and “nest.”

I no longer work on editing stitch guides for Needlepoint Now. The shop keeps me way too busy and I don’t even have time to create them for our customers.

There will still be stitching adventures, thread shopping trips, trade shows, Facebook, ANG Seminar and classes with Susan Portra, Meredith Willett, Tony Minieri, The Embellishment Squad and too many more to mention! Not so much travel lately as so much has changed in the last few years.

Mostly needlepoint you ask? Why? Well there are too many other things to talk about like my cats Mooch and Miss Meow!

Felix is the one you see pictured here and he departed for the Rainbow Bridge ooh too many years ago. I still miss you buddy. Oh by the way did I mention baseball?

38 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Vicky, Did you stitch Tapestry Tent’s Reindeer Roundup several years ago? I thought I remembered seeing it at Nationals in San Diego. I have a friend who would like to stitch it, and she would love to purchase a stitch guide from you.Liza

  2. I am looking for the stitch guide for the Labors of Love Toucan christmas ornament. Does anyone know where I can find it?

    Judy Richards

  3. Hi,
    Do you have more info on the DJ Designs “Geisha” from the 2013 TNNA market?
    The dimensions, and how much it might be?
    The DJ Designs website looks like it has not been updated in years.

  4. You do not have to wait to go to London to attend a Royal School of Needlework course as they have regular classes here in San Francisco. The local representative (a graduate and teacher) is Lucy Barter and she can be contacted at
    lucy@forever-emb.com for more information. Details of the San Francisco classes are listed on the RSN website.

  5. Hi Vicky, am trying to stitch Easter this month and need t know where to get the beads for the Easter House…have called a numberof shops and no one seems to carry them…any ideas. Thanks

  6. Glad to find fellow needlepointers, lately on my blog http://arsacupicturaestellae.blogspot.com I’ve finally been able to give step-by-step instructions for how to use Stitch Painter, a program that I love (note: my blog is non-commercial, and I get no payments or kickbacks of any kind, I share for the sake of passionate informing, only!), I’ll start following yours, now, too.

  7. Vicky, We’ve not met and I haven’t posted before. However, I so enjoy your blog. It’s one of the first things I read to kick off my day. On Oct. 10th, you posted a picture of a santa by Brenda Stofft. The fringe on his red jacket was perfect and I’m not sure how you created that. Is that simply Turkey Work without being cut? Or something more complicated.
    Thanks for all your wonderful posts.

    • Thank you so much Penelope! Flattery will get you every where…I don’t believe that there was fringe on the jacket? His sleeves were stitched in a satin stitch (over padding) with Kreinik 1/16″ Ribbon 002HL. Now the blanket on the panda, that has the fringe which was done with beads. A whole lot of beads!

  8. I had a wonderful black cat named Brat, too!

    I’m wondering if you can tell me which threads are featured in your column in the recent issue of Needlepoint Now.
    They are exactly the monochromatic grey colors I’m looking for. Checked access commodities thinking they were presented as a package but couldn’t find anything.

    Many thanks.
    Carla Jewett

  9. It was wonderful to meet you when we were in LaJolla for a wedding in September. I’m delighted that you are blogging more on this site ! I enjoy it very much !

  10. Hi Vicky,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Mostly Needlepoint has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 50 Needlepoint Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 50 Needlepoint Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


  11. I’m looking for the canvas that you’ve posted on Pinterest and written about: Keep Calm and Love Dogs (in red with a paw print 8×11, 13 mesh- Unique NZ Designs). Can you help me out. Do you know who carries it? I’ve found the canvas in Blue with a dog on it but prefer the one you highlighted. Thanks so much. Love your work and posts!

    Diane Morrison
    Palm Beach Gardens, FL

    • That was a custom paint… so if you find the canvas, some shops havea a painting service that can paint out the dog and add a paw print. We were trying to attract all dog lovers, rather than just a specific breed!

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