My Christmas Cactus is blooming early this year! and yes there are cats everywhere in my home. I had bought this piece of artwork years ago in one of the best shops at that time in La Jolla called Bo Danica. We shared the alleyway behind the needlepoint shop where I worked and it was so easy just to walk in the back door and enjoy a little retail therapy. By the way that’s where AlleyCat rescued me as she captured us with her meows and that tiny little face…and oh Bo Danica is no longer, I am sad to say.
Speaking of AlleyCat, we thank you so much from the bottom of our little paws for all of your well wishes and notes of support. Giving her pills in an adventure like non other! After I realized that she was not going to open that mouth and take the pill without a fight, I decided to cut in 1/2 and try that. You know I was thinking that I was pretty smart, but AlleyCat proved that she is smarter than I! I hid it in her cat food and she ate all around it…I then tried a piece of chicken and I thought that was working until I noticed that she spit the pill out! later I tried it in a piece of cheese and she spit that out too. Like I said she is smarter than I.
Not to give up on my challenge, I tried cutting the pill up a little smaller and buried it in the flavored cat food of the day…and that worked! and it worked again this morning, making sure that I just feed her a little to start with, so that I know that she is a member of the clean plate club.
All this pill giving stuff yesterday worked up quite an appetite for breakfast at The Cottage and a little retail therapy. It was a beautiful morning in La Jolla and I took a nice long walk as I window shopped and shopped…
I found this darling little bag! do you think that I need another bag? no…but what’s need got to do with anything? It would be great for small canvases or just to take along on my shopping trips. A few threads were added to my purchases and I was good to go.
While we are talking about cats, I remembered that I never shared these pictures with you.
That ribbon winning cat bag…I think my favorite part of this is the eyes. I remembered that one of the judges commented that I should have used more Kreinik in the eyes. I did pursue that avenue and I was challenged finding just the right colors.
and the Cat’s Night Out. I think that my ribbon needs a little ironing! Missy are you reading this?
I think the best part of getting the ribbons, are these beautifully hand stitched pieces that are awarded!
as I continue my countdown of thanks I realize that I have so much to be thankful for…
and until next time…keep on stitching