Did you ever take a class with the Embellishment Squad? it started 13 years ago with Meredith Willett, Suzanne Howren, Beth Robertson and Tony Minieri teaching this amazing class at ANG seminars and shops across the US. It was a great success and I prowl their teaching schedule to this day to see where they teach next!

Sadly Beth passed away in 2014, Linda Corrirossi stepped in for one class and then Debbie Stiehler taught with them many times.
If you ever took a class with them, they would talk quite frequently about creating a book of the stitches from classes. And you would always here about it and then they finally decided it was time! Many of the stitches were created on the spot for that canvas or that student. Not sure how those brilliant minds work that fast!
Well this book is over 150 pages crammed full of amazing stitches and unless you ever been in one of these classes, you have never seen or heard of these stitches! Most of them have been named by Tony such as Binda Leane named after a Tony groupie Linda Beane and another is Monkey Business named after Jeanene.
The charts are large and done in shades of gray to make it easy to follow. Stitches are numbered! And then there are some reverse images of that stitch! Have you ever seen that before in a stitch book? Nope!
The cover is great and I love the color of the coil binding. What more can I say about this awesome book?

These are just some of the 2500 books that Susan at the Meredith Collection has been shipping out! She has been getting them out quickly so that we can ship to you!

This is my shipping room where I sent about 2 dozen on their way today and I have another batch ready to go on Monday!

So you want me to show you a stitch or two? Well no I’m not, you just need to go ahead and buy the book. And trust me you won’t be disappointed! But I will show you the dedication page where I was mentioned. I had no idea! It was added after I helped with some proofing. I feel quite humbled and at the same time rather famous! I love these 3 and they’re very special to me.
This is a book that you need to sit down and pour over it while enjoying a cuppa something and make notes of what stitch you want to try next!

My kids keeping me company while I’m stitching!
Vicki – this is great! I worked in the shop today and Susan was still mailing many copies – a real example of the dedication to needlepoint by these 3 😊
Thank you! And I ordered more books today. As I always say, lucky you getting to work with Meredith!