Just Saying…


Well it’s my birthday! and besides celebrating part of the day with some dear friends I promised myself no work today… and maybe tomorrow too. Who know, maybe the entire weekend, we’ll see!

even the cats agree!


A Few of My Favorite Things!

No, I am not finished with What’s New From Market! Is that good or bad? well I’m not sure. If you figure out how many of our favorite needlepoint canvas designers exhibit at market times how many new canvases they each debut, plus the bags, the threads, the books, the magnets and more….whew, that’s a lot of new stuff!

This magnificient standing rooster was a big hit at the show and created quite a buzz. There are approximately 16 canvases that assemble together to create your masterpiece!

And here he is!

While I was in Patti Mann’s booth, this darling canvas caught my eye! Isn’t this the cutest? I don’t think that is a new canvas in her line, but it’s new to me as I have never seen it! Had a great chat with Patti about this canvas (since it was early in the morning and still quiet) and found out that all these dogs are the family dogs. For example, the French Bull Dog that you see in the front, well that’s Gus. You may have met Gus on Facebook. He is almost as famous as his human which is Chris Mann, who is currently touring with The Phantom of The Opera!

I love these two canvases by Zecca! The canvas on the left is the one that I selected to bring to class with the incomparable Tony Minieri, Meredith Willett and Suzanne Howren at In Stitches in Atlanta! I can’t wait and yes this canvas is a selection out of my comfort zone. Since I teach now, stitch models and create stitch guides, I want to challenge myself with different stitches and techniques. And knowing this amazing ensemble of teachers, I am sure that they will happily oblige!

Meet Mdm. Pompadour, a limited edition canvas by Labors of Love. Why is it a LTD you ask? well look closely and you will see a sculpted head and hands that are added to the canvas after it is stitched.

Another canvas by Labors of Love, a small Tudor Rose that goes with the series of King Henry and his wives as was seen in Needlepoint Now last year.


Remember seeing the picture of Tony yesterday? well someone texted or tweeted him to say that they wanted to see a picture of him on the show floor, maybe to validate that he was really here?! Well I believe Tony took that literally and he is really is ON the show floor! either that or he is just taking a quick nap…BTW with as much as this man accomplishes, I don’t believe that he EVER sleeps!

Quail Run set up the most amazing booth! So welcoming to the buyers. Notice the blue ribbon on the front table? well they were winners of the Best Booth award. Congratulations to Quail Run!

Somebody was trying to get my attention…or maybe telling me that I was spending too much time on the computer and ignoring her? Gotta love her!

and until next time…keep on stitching


While you weren’t looking…

Yes, while you weren’t looking…I actually finished something for myself! It is amazing the color change from taking this picture under my stitching light to the next one which was taken in natural light.

I probably started this 2 or maybe 3 years ago, as I remember bringing it to the Blue Bonnet Retreat the first time I went to work on the beading of the words. I could also tell by the tape that I used on the edges too!

So what was I to do next? well bring it to the framers of course! New Creations in Pasadena, California where the brilliant Nancy and Andrea frame, and frame they do brilliantly.

I took some pictures as we worked away. It helps you see things in a different way when taking the pictures. I also had a friend on the other end that was giving me a thumbs up or not! The gold frame was quickly ruled out by all of us, but the frame on the left is a good possibility.

This mat is not quite right…

This frame is great, but too heavy with the piece. It overpowers it.

Found the right mat, which is the one on the left, with the first frame that we looked at. Now  all I have to do is anxiously await that phone call “your framing is ready to be picked up!”

AlleyCat loves, loves, loves these coffee carry out holders. She tears them up, pushes them all over the house and often sits on it, in it and then naps on it. Silly girl!

and until next time…keep on stitching


In the End…


Isn’t that the truth? Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve…and with that being said

This a canvas, first of a few that I ordered for me, myself and I! This is by Elizabeth Turner Collection and is my canvas of choice for my class with Meredith, Tony and Suzanne later this year at A Stitch in Time in San Marino, CA. I would call these 3 the terrific trio, but I hear that they may call themselves the Emebellishment Squad.

Speaking of Tony, he was at market this year! He always adds a buzz on the floor with his exuberance and excitement with the new items. Here he was hamming it up with Colleen, owner of The Needleworks in Austin, Texas.

A southwestern creche scene by dede… and no I did not order this one for myself.

I love this lady! Beth of Eat, Sleep and Stitch. who also owns a shop. I don’t know how she does it all. I have one of these t-shirts and sleep shirts in pretty much every color that she has! Magnets, soup cups and so much more.


Booth by Pepperberry…


What a great welcome for us! and no, that’s not the end of what’s new from market as I have barely scratched the surface! I think I finally got all the pictures to my computer, now it’s just deciding what order I want to use them in.

It’s going to be another beautiful day in America’s Finest City with summerlike temperatures. Sorry to all of you who are snowbound and shoveling themselves out.

Today I need to finish up my magazine work today of course along with proper supurr~vision!


you know mathematically speaking, there are at least 1001 places you can park yourself… why here?

and until next time…keep on stitching


More from Market!

One of my favorites from the show! These gorgeous pears by Alice Peterson. This is something that I would love to stitch…hmmmmm. I guess I should say in this lifetime.

I am sorta kinda not really sure where I left off with the new market pictures…since I can’t go back to my older blogs and look at the pictures! In my zealous actions to make room for new stuff to share with you, I deleted pictures from the area that I shouldn’t have. So not only did it delete it from the library, hence making more room for new pictures, it deleted them from the blog too! Luckily when I ready photos for the blog, I place them in folders and/or date them. I will work on restoring them a little at a time!

I really liked this little canvas by Kate Dickerson. I would most definitely stitch the body in basketweave and then get creative with the scarf, the hat and his facial features!

How about this canvas from Kate Dickerson? My mantra exactly!

This would be a quick stitch and you could have so much fun with this! Canvas by Anne Brinkley.

Point of It All Designs introduced a series of these darling dog canvases! Different breeds doing fun things. I have more yet to share with you, but I didn’t take pictures of all of them. Check with your LNS to see what else they have.

A new canvas by Sandra Gilmore. Just beautiful!


Two more pieces from Sandra Gilmore!

I hope that from what you are seeing from here and on other blogs, social media, designer and shop websites, that it is whetting your appetite for something new that you just have to have! I know that going to market and seeing all the new designs, always invigorates me!

I have been stitching up a storm, usually spending 3-4 hours nightly with my needle and thread and with proper supurr~vision. Most of what I am working on right now are pieces that are not ready for primetime publication.

If you can’t devote as much time as I do for stitching, just try an hour a day. You’ll be surprised at how much you can get done. Trust me, it really works.

and until next time…keep on stitching


Who Would’ve Thought?

That yesterday was National Answer your Cat’s Question Day?! How could I have missed that? Maybe that’s why AlleyCat was giving me that look the other day? and yes the little snafu that I encountered was that there was no more room for new pictures!

Ever wonder what your cat is asking with those meows? I sure do! Both of mine are talkers… how about yours?

So I thought that I would go through the rest of my pictures from new canvases at market and see how many cats I could find! This is Best Friends Selfie by Laurel Burch. A smaller canvas that would have a reasonable expectation of being finished sometime in this lifetime.

This is another new Laurel Burch canvas which is not so small! How fun would this be to stitch all of these cats differently!

And of course you have seen the new cats by Labors of Love! Rumor has it that Thumbelina which is the tuxedo kitty, took the most orders at the show. Her human is Sally, who works at Rainbow Gallery and she (Sally of course) makes sure that all the shops gets their orders on a timely basis. Thank you Thumbelina for sharing your human with us!

And here she is again. This is Cheryl Schaeffer & Annie Lee Design… a very famous kitty!

and this is a wonderful new design by the collection.

AlleyCat is in her normal snoozing while I’m stitching position!

and until next time…keep on stitching


Just Saying…

AlleyCat stopped by to say that there is a little technology issue with the blog this morning that won’t allow adding any new pictures! maybe it’s just as easy as deleting some from the media library as this is where we found this one.

So as soon as we figure this out…we’ll be right back!

What’s New?

Have you seen this book yet? A new one from Carole Lake and Michael Boren. I haven’t really had a chance to pour through it, but I will. Of course this one had to come home with me! I like the smaller compact size which makes it great for throwing it in your stitching bag to take along with you.
Planet Earth Fiber’s Ribbon is bringing some of their colors to life in 13mm. They will now have 4mm, 7mm, 10mm and 13mm in this wonderful line of ribbon.
They were showing off their colors of this wider ribbon and after Tony Minieri and I convinced them that we need this wide, wide ribbon to create flowers for canvas…well you will probably see it soon! It will be packaged slightly differently than the smaller widths.
This was a class taught at market using the new Planet Earth Ribbons, canvas by A Collection of Designs.
I loved, love, love this new Santa by Raymond Crawford!
These darling pieces are by Cheryl Schaeffer & Annie Lee Designs. 2 canvases that are back to back, come with the buttons and add-ons and look at them in their little carts! The snowman with the little boy in the first picyure was just featured in the November/December Needlepoint Now along with a stitch guide. This Santa in the second picture I hear is a Limited Edition.
I had a great weekend with The Divine Ms. M! at A Stitch in Time…we laughed and laughed and stitched and she just enlightens and inspires me more than I can say. I took a few pictures, and I need to get those emailed from my phone to me yet. 
This was Friday night as I was getting together a few things for an overnight stay. I hadn’t seen AlleyCat for a long time…and mind you she is usually not one that likes to sleep in bags. So where do I find her? she knew…
and until next time…keep on stitching

Walking The Water’s Edge!


I am sure that you have seen this piece on social media, websites and so many other places! It really has been so popular, a teachers dream when absolutely everyone clamors to take your class…

Well this is your chance! Grab it while you can…and you know the saying “you snooze, you loose?” Don’t snooze too long as there are only 2 weeks left before registration closes!

A one day class held in beautiful La Jolla. Join us in person or join us from the comfort of your stitchy chair!

I know that I signed up for this the very second that this flyer went out. So don’t miss your chance.

You will need to be a member of our ANG chapter, which will be pretty special in itself! Classes with Cassie Prescott of Sundance Designs, Sue Reed, Margaret Bendig, Tony Goerdes and Jennifer Reifenberg are on the books.

Walk on the Waters Edge by Diane Hermann is a study in shading, freeform eyelet stitches, bullion knots to create the starfish and attaching beads.

I still have so much more to share with you from market, so stay tuned. Canvases, books, threads and stuff! But for now I am headed to A Stitch in Time to spend a wonderful weekend with my sistah in stitches, Meredith Willett…and my stitching buddies, so see you when I get back! I won’t have my laptop with me.

Somebody was busy entertaining me as I packed my stitching bag. Silly girl!

and until next time…keep on stitching


Market Watch!

One of my highlights of the show which I really look forward to is watching Liz of Tapestry Tent/Susan Roberts paint one of her newest designs right on the show floor! She has been doing this for years and usually works on a stocking, but this time it was a gorgeous poinsettia with cardinals.

The canvas is nothing but a line drawing right now. I was intrigued to see that she started with the background first and the edges of the canvas were masked off to protect from paint drips and splatters.

If you aren’t familiar with Tapestry Tent, look towards the right of the picture and you will see some of her stockings. Maybe then you might say, yes I know those canavses!

Now if you look towards the upper left, you will note some colored number 30’s. Well Susan Roberts is celebrating 30 years as a distributor of some of my favorite needlepoint canvases. Wow that’s quite the milestone! MaryAgnes of Needle Nicely in Vero Beach, Florida stitched a canvas with Susan’s logo, attatched it to a Dash and Albert bag and presented her with a gift. What a nice touch MaryAgnes! and I thank you for recognizing Susan for her anniversary.

Later in the day Liz was moved to the back of the show room floor when The Needlepoint Group was having meetings and continued her painting there.

This is Sunday and Liz was finishing up at this point. Such a talented lady and such a sweetheart too!

In all the pictures that you will see on blogs and social media, you will wonder why you never see any from Susan Roberts. Susan requests that no pictures be taken and I of course will honor that request. I make sure that I ask Liz if I may take her picture while she’s painting and she always agrees. Susan heard my camera take a picture and she quickly turned around and said “are you taking pictures?” and I answered “well just of Liz and I asked her first!” and Susan Roberts answered…'”take as many as you want then!” and we all laughed!

Ashland Sky distributed exclusively by Leigh Designs introduced a new hot pink color. Love, love, love these bags! and BTW I love Leigh too!

New fabric by Atenti. I love this fabric and I love my Atenti bag that I carry these days. I get sooooooooooooo many compliments on it! So well made and made right here in the USA.

Kreinik’s display in the What’s New?

The new Pantone color of the year Marsala…

and the new threads introduced…the 1/4″ Ribbon great for ruching and so much more! The other thread is the new chevron thread which was flying out the door at Sample It. Creates a chevron pattern as you stitch with it needing just that special area on your canvas.

This is Dena! If you tweet or are on Twitter she is Kreinikgirl. I don’t know how she does it keeping up on Twitter as much as she does! wow it seems that there isn’t enough time to shoot pictures, Tweet, Facebook and everything else while on the show floor.

Magnets by Annie Lane…when that magnet just has to match that canvas that you are working on!

You know another thing that fascinates me? is that of all the pictures that I see from market, that so many of us see different things…which over time will give you a nice variety! Of course I have lots more canvas pictures to share yet.

AlleyCat wastes no time getting back to work supurr~vising me!

and until next time…keep on stitching