Absolutely Nothing to do With Needlepoint Today!

I want this car! I have been doing absolutely no work at all whatsoever since I have been back from market…so why change that for now? What a fun way to spend the day, well for me anyway would be at the San Diego Cat Show! I am sorry for everyone who I am driving crazy and they are now moaning “What? cats again?!”

I really do need a new car, but with all the freeway driving that I do, maybe this is not the car for me. I love it though!

There were cats everywhere! I was in my glory and was wishing that Robin was with me, but you were there with me in my heart. Cats riding in style, fat cats, skinny cats, long haired cats, all kinds of cats and cats even having a bad hair day.

I have never seen a long haired Cornish Rex before and that’s what this breed is. He is being judged at the moment and maybe will come away with a ribbon or two!

This poor kitty with no fur was cold and was dressed to the nines. It was freezing in the show hall and I sure was wishing that I had a sweater on too!

Amid the cages of the purebred kitties and the judging, was this group of black kitties vocalizing “take me! pick me! take me to my furever home!” It was tough to walk away.

The judging from what I can see is allot different from a dog show. They are brushed and loved and scratched and played with. There are feathers and toys hanging and all sort of tempting things to spark the cat’s interest. I think that the judges are recording their reaction time. Now notice the cat in the cage marked with #239. As if I care would be the word of the day for this character as the story unfolds.

I apologize for not the best picture, but this was so precious that I had to share it. This cat stood up and headed butted the judge against his face and evoked lots of oohs and aahs from the crowd. Notice cat #239…

It is cat #239 turn on the judging table. Hmmm…a little cattitude there? There was aboslutely no interest in the feather, none whatsover.

Okay lets try this hanging toy and see what this does. Absolutely no interest in this either as cat #239 stared into space as if to say “as if I care” The judge started into space too as the crowd roared. It was quite amusing! I was wondering if this American Shorthair walked away without any ribbons?

This pile of fur melted my heart and especially the one in the front. I had to tell myself, “step away from the kittens”

This Japanese Bobtail named Netsuke stole my heart and I could have easily catnapped him. Very vocal and ooh so sweet, but I am sure that Sylvester & AlleyCat would not approve!

I really need to get back to work and my stitching…my fingers are itching! Tomorrow. Tomorrow! I know that I will pay for goofing off. and until next time…keep on stitching



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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

12 thoughts on “Absolutely Nothing to do With Needlepoint Today!

  1. Oh, those kitties are so-o-o cute. I also like Cat 091 (4th picture from top or 2nd cat picture). He is either one of those Scottish cats or one angry feline. And cat 239 has to be related to my Angel (yellow tabby). Thanks for the tour I have always wondered what a cat show would be like…may have to watch for one in my area too…would be a fun “people-feline” watching day.

  2. What fun! I want the one that looks a little like Bailey – well, only in the picture. You needed a day off – Don’t look at it as playing hooky – look at it as research!
    Happy Un-Birthday!

  3. That car is great for you or Robin or how about both? But, not on the freeway…too tiny. As always I lovd the blog and the pics of all the kitttys. I am going to have my Granddaugheter take a look. She has 2 cats and one is my “cuddle cat” It’s good to take a day and have fun and looks like you had a really good one

  4. Vicky, it was so much fun to read this blog & see the photos. Who knew the judge had such personality? Love the Kit Cat Car, too. I agree… did Alley Cat know she was that close to Sylvester?… or did you Photoshop them closer together? Thanks for the blog! Robin

    • No, no Photoshop! Actually I should have told that there is a little heater that they are laying in front of and for that they do get close. They do get along fine, never fight with each other…but never snuggle. Oh well. Glad you enjoyed it!

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