Do I Even Remember?


Well of course I needed to start off with a cat canvas. Seriously, what were you thinking? This is called Garden Cat and is by Birds of a Feather. It is on my bucket list along with about 50something other canvases that I want to stitch!

But if I don’t have time to blog, I have even less time to stitch! I do thank everyone who has missed me…it really does the heart and soul good! Now let’s see if I remember how to do this? and so far so good.


So what have I been up to? let’s see I attended the Blue Bonnet Stitching Retreat in mid February and took from my “sistah” Meredith! It was strictly studio time for me and this is what we worked on.


The Girls with Attitude Collection by the collection. This one is called Raindrops and I wanted a background stitch. This is never what I would have thought of, never in a million years, but isn’t that why we take classes? I do love it and I need to get busy finishing it up!

Then it was back to the shop to get ready for the Needle Nook of La Jolla’s Getaway. It was a pretty fabulous 5-day event and we all had a great time! I really didn’t have any pictures in my laptop of the weekend right now, so I will save those pictures for another day.

I had a life altering/threatening event happen to me 2 days (or was it 3?) before the Getaway started. And it made me realize more and more that friends are the single most important part of your life. When it comes to friends, I am very, very rich.


Just 3 weeks later, Meredith came to our shop to teach! It was fabulous and we hope that we can get her back next year…she is a very busy lady you know!


This is what I was working on with Meredith. Cleocatra by Charlie Harper and we were loom-beading her necklace!


In between this all… it was a window change and I came up with a gardening theme. I need to come up with a new idea in the next few weeks or so. and and then it was opening day baseball!


Brenda was here twice and it is always something we look forward to!


and of course AlleyCat helping write stitch guides. Mathematically she could park her butt in a million and one spots… why here?


and this is the kids sleeping on top of me on the couch… chillin’ and hanging out with them is always a highlight of my day.


Can you guess where I am going? In 16 days…but who’s counting? I am headed to London with Needlepoint Now for a needlepoint trip. Can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait!


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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

32 thoughts on “Do I Even Remember?

  1. Vicki, So glad you are back to blogging!!!! I have missed your postings. I really enjoy the glimpses of new canvases, stitches, classes and shop life. Hope you can find time to keep blogging. And most importantly, I hope you are okay!!

  2. VICKIIIEEEE! Welcome back – it’s been too long without you and the kitties. You’re all looking wonderfully well – yay!

    Garden Cat just rocks my socks; but then so do the Raindrops girl and Cleocatra. So much to do; so little done. But, what is life without an incentive or several?

    All the best from autumnal South Africa

  3. Welcome back! We have all missed you very much and have been looking forward to your return. Glad the kitties are well, too.

  4. Things are so much better now that you are back. I have missed the glimpses at new canvases, the antics of the cats and the blog in general. Keep up the fantastic work. Your are a great ambassador for and to the needlepoint world.

  5. I’m thrilled to see you are back! Life just wasn’t the same without reading your blog and seeing the cats. Last year in your giveaway, I am the person you so kindly sent me a black cat sitting on a pumpkin magnet because poor Boston had a historic snowfall that year. I think of you every time I needlepoint with that magnet. I too had a life threatening event in 2012 and it was very scary. I appreciate life so much more. I have my needlepoint, quilting, Red Sox, family and of course my precious kitty, Abby. I am very blessed. Stay well and happy needlepointing!

    • Yes I remember that! and we are truly blessed… and if I didn’t believe in the verbage if it’s not your time to go, it’s not your time… I sure believe it now! Must be all that needlepoint stash that is waiting for us.

  6. Sooooo nice to see AlleyCat and Sylvester again. Oh, and to hear from you, too! You have to blog about your NN trip. I wanted to go on that trip but can’t swing it. I just returned from Japan.

  7. Vickmeister my little pumpkin,
    Welcome back! Missed you! London…WOW..good for you! Have a fab time!!!

  8. Just checked in. So glad to have you back! Love hearing about all the goings on. Have lots of fun in London. See you at A Stitch In Time sometime soon.

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