Happy Blogoversary!

Okay, do we celebrate a birthday? or is it an anniversary? Well anyway, every party needs cake! Even if it is a cupcake…but it has sprinkles and bling and a cherry on top! It is time to celebrate and time to thank everyone who reads this blog every day and looks for the antics of Sylvester & AlleyCat.

I have to thank a very special friend and she knows who she is…for encouraging me to blog. Even though I kept saying no I don’t think so, no I don’t think that I would be that good at it, no who the heck is going to read it? If it wasn’t for her encouragement, I wouldn’t be doing this.

The blog was designed by Celardore Designs based on my love of cats. I love it, don’t you? Thank you to my web designer for the awesome look of the blog. I came up with the name based on a business card that I had created. So the blog sat ready and waiting for me a few weeks until I was brave enough to just try it. Just a little rambling in the beginning. I was just going to add a picture of the cats every so often, but then you the faithful readers would ask, “well where are the cats today?”

I have enjoyed every single day of blogging, even though I do take a few days off in the week. Not that I need a day off, but sometimes I just don’t have enough stitched of anything to show you. Thank you for your support, your kind words and your faithful following. I love it when I hear, “I read your blog everyday…I can’t start my day without first reading your blog or because of my hectic schedule, I read your blog every night before going to bed!” I have been told that AlleyCat and Sylvester have become very famous these days.

Every party needs presents too! I have a few that I would like to give you. Mag Friends & Fob Friends was generous enough to send some magnets for a write up in Needlepoint Now and I was to keep one for a giveaway. Well I forgot to keep one and the magnets are still on their magazine shoot, so I bought another one just for this occassion. Thank you Lisa!

This Thread & Yarn Separator made by Puffin & Co was donated by Canvases Be Gone. Thank you Dale! Notice the feline theme going on here…

The cupcake magnet from Elizabeth Turner Collection was donated by Meredith. Thank you Meredith!

Susan from S & J Designs sent some beads, but they are in the color scheme for the trees that I am working on…and I haven’t decided which ones I need yet. So who says we can’t have another giveaway in a few months or so? Thank you Susan.

So if you would like to leave me or the cats for that matter a comment, we would be thrilled! By dropping us a note sometime over the weekend, this will enter you in the giveaway. If you prefer the cupcake magnet, the big cat magnet or the thread separator, work that into your comment. I will leave this blogoversary post as is all weekend. Yes I am going to goof off for a few days, well not from working…just from the blog. I will select the winners late Monday night and announce it Tuesday morning. I am not sure if it will be by the random number generator or by you wowing me with your cleverness. Good Luck!

This morning I am headed to The Cottage for an early morning breakfast and then a little retail therapy. I need to have my butt back home and in my sticthy chair early where I will stitch the day away. I have too many choices of threads and beads for the tree that I am working on and I can’t make up my mind! OMG, I am really struggling with this tree and I don’t like this feeling. I wake up and think well I can try this, or I can do this…no maybe I will try this stitch. I think I need help?

Sunday will find me on the road very early as I head up to Aristea. A dear friend from the east coast has flown into take a class, so the least I can do is drive up there to see her! ooh and Wendy too! No I am not taking the class, even though I absolutely love what Beverly has done with the Melissa Shirley Vintage Melons, but when will I ever have time to work on it? No, I will just visit with everybody, but being very quiet and respectful of the class going on.

So if you would like to be entered in the giveaway over the weekend, please leave me or the cats a comment. I will leave this open till 9pm West Coast time on Monday Night. I feel like Sylvester is sticking his tongue out at me over his displeasure of being moved!

AlleyCat…okay what more can I say about her? and until next time…keep on stitching

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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

68 thoughts on “Happy Blogoversary!

  1. Congratulations on the blog anniversary Vicky. Like many others, your blog is one I check every day. I have so enjoyed watching you stitch, reading about how you try out threads, and how you TOO frog sections of a canvas. Love the antics and pictures of Sylvester and Alley Cat too!!

  2. Love your blog! Keep up the great job. I have learned more about needlepoint from reading your blog. All of the giveaway are great!

  3. I too enjoy your posting and of course pictures of Alley Cat and Sylvester. Sylvester reminds me of my baby, Augie. Augie is black with one tiny white spot on his chest. And I love seeing pictures of your stitching as well. I’ve gotten several ideas and been encouraged by the pictures to branch out some in my own stitching. Enjoy your long weekend “away” and visiting with friends.

  4. Happy Blogversary! I have loved every word you have written and the cat photos have just been icing on the cake. Please don’t enter me in the giveaway. I already have my present–Vicky writing and blog stitching!

    Just keep it up, ok?

    Many birthday hugs from CH,

  5. Happy Blogoversary! I can’t believe it’s been a year either! I’ve been with ya since the first post. Congrats to you and hugs to the felines.

  6. Mornin’ Mz Vicky, I just love your blog. You inspire me to do more stitching. I have to read it everyday, sometimes twice a day. Your Alley Cat looks just like my BlackJack except he had some white on his little nose. He passed away last week. He was 19 years and 3 months. He loved to sit on the arm of the sofa and watch me stitch. Acey, his calico buddy is working on filling for him but she has her own personality. Keep up the good work Honey, Love ‘Ya from East Texas, Brenda

  7. Vicky, I not sure what I enjoy more, the pictures and write-ups about needlepoint or about cats. I get great inspiration from your stitching and lots of laughs reading about the cats. We had two cats until 6 years ago and realized that it was the cats causing my asthma to flair, not the 100+ year old house we had jut moved out of. Keep on blogging!!

  8. Happy Blogoversary! Enjoy reading about your, and AleyCat’s and Sylvester’s, antics. Your cats remind me of my first cat, my beloved black cat, M-Brr….named because she was coal black but with a burning personality! So, of course, if I were to be lucky, I’d like the cat magnet. Thanks for the giveaway!

      • It is about time I wrote you! I am doing Deco Kitty and love it. I always learn so much from you. Beside the love of needlepoint, my home is filled with needlepoint books, threads and canvases, ochirds and cats. If I were to get luck 1st choice Mags Friend cat, just love those magents. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Babs

  9. Dear Vicky:
    Your site is wonderful! I have been reading faithfully for awhile. I am also a cat lover and look forward to the updates and pictures of Sylvester and Alley Cat. One of our cats, Elsie, loves boxes. Her current favourite is an empty pizza box that we leave sitting out for her. I am fairly new to needlepoint and am so inspired by your amazing work. Happy Blogoversary! Thanks, Wanda

  10. Happy blogoversary, Vicky! (Please no goodies for me. Being a voyeur in your life is more than enough!)

    Look, Alley Cat is in the bag!

    Maybe this third attempt to comment will work. 🙂

  11. Happy First Year in Blogland! Hope you have many more! Thanks for all the entertainment you provide me and all the other stitchers out there. Do you know how many times I call a shop and say, order me the canvas Vicky is working on the blog? It’s blown my budget. Bob is constantly jealous of all the pictures of cats and the cat canvases…What ever happened to dogs? He wants equal time for dogs in Blogland. Have a wonderful weekend! J & B

  12. I love reading about what you are doing and stitching and checking up on the cats. After seeing the cat canvas Tigger you stitched I had to order it. how do I order a copy of your stitch guide for it? Are you teaching a class in Dallas and is it open to anyone?

    • Thank you Mary Jane! I loved stitching Tigger so much that I stitched him twice. One for Ruth and one for me. She should have the stitch guide for it. That was before I had my Mac and was printerless, so I handwrote it for her. The classes at the Destination Dallas Market are for shop owners and their staff. Yes I am teaching there!

  13. Hello Vicky,
    I also have been reading your blog faithfully and enjoy admiring your beautiful stitching! I stitch with two chocolate labs for company, although I am not a
    “cat person,” I do enjoy seeing your AlleyCat and Sylvester.
    Thank you for your blog!

  14. Congrats on the anniversary! Maybe someday I will start one. LOL. Love your stitching and choice of designs. Even love the kitties! Keep up the great work!

  15. It is so true Vicky, your blog became a part of our lives and coffee companion. Needless to say, there’s also a need to see what Sylvester and Alley Cat were up to since we last “saw them the day before. Your stitching inspires us. Keep up the good work and happy anniversary. Dont forget to give the children a piece of cake.

  16. Happy Blogaversay!! I love your blog. Your stitching is inspiring, and it is so much fun to hear about the cats! I love to follow your progress and see all of your projects…I check in each night before I go to bed. Thanks for such an entertaining blog!

  17. Happy Blogaversary Vicky! Keep blogging, I love hearing about the Kitty antics as well as your stitching.
    Don’t enter me in the drawing, I just wanted to wish a Happy Day!

  18. You and the cats are hilarious, Vicki. I read your blog daily and love to read about your activities, whether you’re stitching, teaching, traveling, dining out or enjoying some retail therapy!

    Keep up the great work and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

  19. Congrats Vickie. I thoroughly enjoy your blog. I’m always fascinated with your stitch and thread selections for the canvases you stitch. You’ve completed several canvases I’d just love to find and stitch!!

  20. Vicky
    Congrats and thanks for blogging. Now that you are designing and teaching, how about teaching and/or a stitch guide for the birds? Pretty please.

    • Thanks Louise! of course I would love to teach the birds if someone will have me. I really do love travelling and teaching. BTW I do have the stitches written done for the birds. I am thinking that you mean Rainow Birds?

  21. Happy Blogoversary, Vicki!! A day isn’t right without an update from you, Coni (Spinster Stitcher) and Ruth! I recently told Brenda F about your blog and saw her comment – I see she is trying to use that sweet Texas talk on you to win 🙂 I’ll just use flattery… I am working on Sparkly Snowflake Sock and loving your SG! I am about halfway done and loving every stitch. PLEASE come visit Ruth’s shop and teach!! Rainbow Birds or anything would be fanTAStic!! I’ve learned a lot from you and love to see what the kitties are up to – I swear you are able to pose them! Keep up the great work and posts!! Can’t wait to hear about your trip up to Aristea! (would love either of the magnets) – Kathy in MD

    • Thank you Kathy! ooh I absolutely loved stitching that socks for Ruth. I am so happy to hear that you love them too. I would love to stitch them for myself…but not enough time!
      Thank you for all of your compliments and hope to meet you at Ruth’s shop someday.

  22. Roses are red, and violets are blue, a sweet little ditty to say “Happy Blogaversary” to You!!
    I too, am a fan of your blog. You are an inspiration!
    I love the cupcake too!!

  23. Congratulations Vicky! I look forward reading your blog as well. I’m new to needlepoint – been stitching for just over a year now. My mom told me about your blog last summer and been hooked ever since. Coincidentally, my kids convinced me to adopt two black kittens shortly thereafter. Penny is all black and Pickles a tuxedo kitty. As much fun as they are, can’t wait for them to be a bit older so that my canvas and thread aren’t seen as a wonderful toy to pounce when I least expect it. LOL! I enjoy seeing your amazing work – it inspires me to try new stitches and techniques. I look forward to another year!

    • Thank you Jennifer! It is wonderful to meet a new stitcher. Enjoy the kittens while you can cause as kids do, they grow up all too soon. Sometimes too they never really do grow up…speaking of the cats that is.

  24. Congrats,Vicky and so glad you began blogging. Always love to see and hear about what your doing. It’s been a fun year reading your blog.

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