Just Stuff!

No trip to Oregon is complete without a stop or 2 to Mindy’s Needlepoint Factory located in the 5th St Market in Eugene, OR. I had missed her the last few times, so it was a great excuse to go back again…well come on let’s get serious I didn’t really need an excuse to go back. Anyway I was on official Needlepoint Now business as I was delivering her newest issues of the magazine.

Mindy’s is an eclectic mix of needlepoint, cross-stitch, ribbons, buttons and the wonderful clothes that Mindy herself wears so beautifully. It still amazes when I walk in and she is sitting behind the counter painting away on one of her new designs. Nothing drawn out…it is all in her head and she just paints. And she keeps painting till its just right.

I didn’t add to Mindy collection this trip as I anxiously await her new designs at market. I moved on to indulge in some retail therapy in the great shops that neighbor Mindy’s.

The 5th St Market was a festive mix of pumpkins and fall.

I am thinking that they must have had a very talented carver work their magic on these pumpkins.

They were pretty amazing!

All this walking and shopping really was hard work and I had built up quite an appetite! Time to head over to Steelhead Brewery, where they serve some of the best onion rings around…

They did not dissapoint! and the Cajun burger with guacamole was pretty good too. This picture is for you Joanne C. and I hope you made it there during your latest trip to Eugene. BTW, this is making me very hungry!

The give thanks countdown continues as Earl and Sourpuss talk about Mondays…

I was one that never hated Mondays as it was the start of a new week and what would it hold? The needlepoint shops are opened today, and guaranteed that the thread that you were stitching with…you ran out of over the weekend! So let’s go shopping.

AlleyCat is her usual mischevious, ornery, bratty self. We have been having a pretty good week, well until Satruday when she didn’t keep her breakfast down. First time I saw her vomit so soon after she ate. A few more times during the day and I am thinking maybe it’s the food. After what I have been hearing about buying grain free, no dyes, no food coloring and of course my vet was now off for the weekend…so I went kitty food shopping. All I can do is wait and hope.

and until next time…keep on stitching


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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

14 thoughts on “Just Stuff!

  1. Mornin’ Vicky, have you tried Blue Buffalo Spa cat food?
    BlackJack had trouble with his system. This seemed to help. He is gone now (he was 19). Acey and Sweet Pea love it. Good Luck

  2. My kitty started vomiting her food too, even though we bought and fed her high quality cat food. Her vet said she had an irritable bowel, and that it was common among cats. The vet injected liquid between our kitty’s shoulder blades to try to compensate for the fluid loss because of the vomiting, and gave us a week’s worth of anti-vomit pills. Kitty is all better, but I do know she will vomit again in the future. This is my third cat, and they’ve all vomited food every so often. Good luck with AlleyCat.

  3. I went to the health food store to find cat food for Maggie. Maggie has the problem, but the other 2 have to like and agree to eat the food. The benefit is they all lost weight and seem to be more active. The best 2 I found are Chicken Soup for the Cat Lovers Soul ( yes, that is a stupid name) and Taste of the Wild. Taste of the Wild Canine worked for a friend whose dog has tons of allergies to food. I also ended up with some they didn’t like, Kit dug all of one brand out of the bowl to show me what she thought of it. I just took rejects to the animal shelter. Good luck!

    • There’s where I bought the rabbit food yesetrday that didn’t agree with her…and a friend asked me “do I eat rabbit?” well no, not really! I am not sure if the problem is chicken, so I have been trying to stay away from that. Thanks so much

  4. Dolly eats Blue Buffalo dry food for indoor cats and their canned Healthy Gourmet flaked chicken entree. She loves both!! She has medium length hair that sheds like crazy, and she never vomits, not even furballs. My daughter’s cats love Blue Buffalo canned flaked turkey entree. Cats are just as selective as people about what they like to eat. Hope AlleyCat can help you choose what works for her. I had to laugh at Mary Jane’s cat that dug out the offensive flavor from the bowl!

  5. Oh, forgot to comment on your shopping and eating in Eugene. I loved Mindy’s shop and the surrounding shops, too, as well as the food at Steelhead Brewery!

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