It’s almost here, Christmas Day and it’s a Christmas unlike any other. But this day is a feeling and it’s in your heart. I would usually be home in New York with my sister, friends and family feasting on the Feast of the Seven Fishes, which is an Italian custom. Instead I am home with my cats and will dine on my own Seven Fishes with plenty of wine on the side.
I need the break from work, I need the down time to decompress as I have never ever worked this hard and under so much stress. I thought needlepoint was supposed to be fun? and I still haven’t been stitching. Maybe this weekend.
So I got this text at work on Wednesday which I was blown as she is a great friend of the shop, but wow it really goes to show how important our stitching is irregardless. I tried to post this in Needlepoint Nation, but the post was never approved.

Santa has been very good to me this year as two new beautiful orchids joined my garden at the shop. I needed to rearrange to make room! They’re both on the right, the yellow with fuchsia dots and the the double fuchsia one, which that one will stay at the shop for sure. I can just see Mooch take a swat at the dangling group of gorgeous blooms and it’s history.
We have lots of gifts to open tomorrow and I have a few new toys for the kids. But they will be happiest with the boxes and paper, so maybe I will save those toys for another time.

Speaking of Mooch, it looked like he was looking for Santa Paws earlier today, but I told him it was too early for Santa watch.

I hope whatever are your plans for Christmas, that it is the best in can be. I am playing it safe this year by not traveling, not going anywhere as I want to be able to be able to enjoy next year in the company of family and friends.
Stay healthy and keep on stitching!
Merry Christmas, Vicki. My three rescue kitties say Meowy Christmas to your two. I’m stitching away and spending time with daughters since they are off from work for at least a week. (They live with me so it’s ok to spend time with them!). Stay safe, sane and happy.
Same to you! Thank you
Merry Christmas Vicky to you and the kids! It was very windy and wet here in the northeast on Christmas day. I had a quiet day with my 3 grandsons and family who are in my circle so no problems here. I hope you can relax for a few days and maybe stitch?
And to you too Wendy in Boston!
Dear Vicky,
Just a quick note to say Happy New Year!!!! and may it be easier than this 2020.
At the risk of being obnoxious: I hope you got some rest, relaxation and kitty time.
When I saw your received EMail—-it was exactly what i was trying to say to you—-an order, but with so much of our emotions attached to it—-you have no choice but to feel the weight. Obviously you do such a good job that she could be honest and it kept her going.
A secret technique that i developed when over stressed by what needed to be done and usually working @125%, I found that if i didn’t do something little I usually would have, but saved it ’til the next day—I felt calmer???? more in control???, but better. Example was not calling that night to reschedule someone’s appt, but doing it first thing in the AM. They weren’t upset and i was home a few minutes earlier which helped me disproportionately!
Thanks for all you do,
Pegge Ashenberg
Thanks you so much Pegge! and Happy New Year.