So What am I Stitching on Now?

I started this canvas a really, really long time ago…so long ago that I really don’t want to admit exactly when I took the first stitch.

or the first bead. Whatever… I found these absoluterly purr~fect brown beads and I beaded the words. And then, well you know. It gets put away because there is something else that you really want to work on. Or in my case it is because I really need to be stitching on something else.

I am always saying while teaching when the students lament that they don’t have enough time to stitch…I tell them something I learned from my sistah Meredith years ago. “Just an hour a day, that’s all! you will be surprised at how much stitching you can get done.” You know what? Meredith is right…but shhhh, please don’t tell her I said that!

So I made a commitment to myself that I would spend an hour of my stitching night on something for me. Like this canvas or my Stitcherie games piece or my Bastet the Cat…okay you get the idea.

Moving along…

I am ready to bead the lotus. Easier said than done. The dark brown beads that I have will work great for the dark brown in the flower. I found a great bead that I used for the medium color beading with dark brown beading thread and the intention was to use the same bead for the lighter color with a light colored beading thread.

There must have been a heavier silver lining in this bead than I thought, so plan A didn’t work. So plan B was to use a lighter brown beads that I had… well I don’t like ’em. No actually I hate them and they gotta come out. Along with the clear white beads. I auditioned a few colors and you know what, you need to bead a small section to really know if you are going to like ’em.

Normally I would bead a new section before I took the beads out that I didn’t like. Why is that? well you may not like the newer color and then all of a sudden realize that the first color wasn’t that bad after all! Then you would need to rebead the same beads that you just took out. Well I disliked that first color so much, that I knew that wasn’t going to happen!

The background is done and after the lotus is beaded I just need to stitch Buddha. I must have selected every single Kreinik color known to man that was even close. He is not really shiny, he is matte with a great patina. So do I want to stitch him in floss? or Kreinik? well I am sure that I have a few weeks yet to make up my mind!

This is AlleyCat sleeping on my lap while I am stitching. Every so often so sticks that little back end of hers up in the air as if to say “scratch me! scratch me!” and I do… and then we go back to stitching. Gotta love her.

and until next time…keep on stitching


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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

10 thoughts on “So What am I Stitching on Now?

  1. This is going to be spectacular, Vicky! I am glad you ended up with the perfect beads. How about Silk Lame Braid for Buddha? I don’t know if they have the right colors, but SL124 might work for the lightest color where you would expect a sheen. Then you could mix it with another texture of thread….

    Of course all depends on the stitch you will use. I hope you have great fun with this one. It’s a special favorite of mine.

  2. Is the lotus part of the Buddha statue or is it placed as an homage to the religion?
    If placed at the statue, maybe stitched in silks??? With a matte Mandarin floss for the Buddha???
    Just thoughts from an avid reader!

    • The lotus is in front of the Buddha. As I seriously joked at my LNS maybe I should brick bead him and the resounding answer was no! He is behind the lotus. I do have Mandarin Floss in my possibility pile as the colors are absolutely perfect! Thanks Marylou!

  3. Kindness canvas

    Please tell me you have a stitch guide for this or I will die

    I just came back from ANG and I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. My first time at the seminar. I already have the canvas and I purchased a stitch guide from someone else.

    Please, please. Not that I could ever hold a candle to your magnificent work.

    Thank you,
    Ivy Pidolak

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