Take a Ride on the “H” Train!

Finished! one of the best words in the dictionary…and am sure glad that I did NOT vacuum  before I worked on that swag. Wow, wow, wow what a challenge that was!

and oh by the way I should mention that this is my 2nd class that I am teaching at the Summer market! and ooh by the way this really has been finished for awhile now and all the threads are here. I am just waiting for the needles from Colonial Needle and a Delica bead to arrive in my mailbox. Come join us if you are attending the TNNA market in Indy in 2 weeks!

I envision these picture perfect ideas in my mind, but then when I get to it…well it doesn’t look so picure perfect at all. So I try this, then I try that and then I start digging through threads and beads in the house and then I try this. I started out with River Silk and then went to Neon Rays, but the shine made it too predominate…so out it came again and I went back to the River Silks. There was also a purple at hand, but it wasn’t the correct shade of purple, so I will need to made sure that it gets back to Jean at River Silks. I never ever want to take for granted the generousity of the thread donors.

So soon I will be starting on the 2nd car of the train…and actually I started on the middle car last night. Is there a specific name for that car? I know the last one is the caboose and boy that one will be fun! I like to put all the canvases of the grouping on bars as I will travel from one canvas to another.

For example when I finished the background on the stack of pumpkins, I picked up the light pole and then completed that background too. And that is why I am not an advocate of doing background first! As I worked on the bat and the bow, I wish that I had that canvas thread empty from the background…oh well and I wasn’t doing any reverse stitching.

and as I look at this picture, it looks like I might need one more Delica bead in the botton right of the pumpkin. I added the pumpkin stems and leaves after it was all finished and looked at all this orange. It just needed a little something!

Up next will be finishing up my stitch guides and checking my threads to what I ordered. I want everything to be just purr~fect!


As I sat down in my photography studio…which is what I call this section of floor between the 2 windows that meet as in a mitered corner, it seems that I was going to have an audience. This little birdie and I, we just had a stare down contest for the longest time. Well until you know who showed up!

which is where you see AlleyCat lounging. My oh my you need a manicure!

and until next time…keep on stitching


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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

10 thoughts on “Take a Ride on the “H” Train!

  1. Looks great and I love background! It was great to meet you while I was in San Diego for Brenda’s class and to see your amazing stitching.
    North Vancouver

  2. I stitched for a customer..the Christmas train. I couldn’t figure out the stitch guide so I looked in a book and came up with chain stitch. It is a bit of a hassle but if you work two rows in black it looks pretty good.

    Why is it Saturday night after the shops have closed , your brilliant idea, gets stalled when the right color has disappeared. No other color will work no matter what bag /stash you look in. I usually look ,can’t find, move on to another canvas and hope it will be easy simple canvas.PS your tires look great!

    • I thought about a chain stitch…but I proposed it to TNNA with the comment of go shopping in the hardware store! So I had to do it that way.

      I agree about the color thing as I hit that the other night!

  3. Oh my goodness that train is spectacular Vicky! I am so impressed by your creativity and the special stitches and touches you add to every canvas. The whole train is going to be magnificent!

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