And I am being well suppurvised by Mooch as he eyes the threads! He did behave himself, but I am sure that the temptation was driving him crazy!

Now he decided to role over and look cute! Gotta love these kids.

This is what I am working on. Canvas by Lani with stitch guide by Susan Portra. I normally don’t work in the well, but being that I took this in one of her classes, I deferred to the teacher’s likes. Plus when I am doing lots of beading, I do like it that way as I can rest my bead container in the well.
I am on the home stretch on this one and I have to thank Susan for her hand in creating this fabulous piece! Finish up the background and the beading on some of the bottles is all that’s left.

Just so you don’t think that Miss Meow doesn’t do her fair share of supurrvision, here she is as I working on something for customer. I thought that stitching this would get me in rhythm with a bit of basketweave.

And then Mooch took right over. I do enjoy stitching with them! I am not sure what finally brought the mojo back? Is it the baseball? Or was it just time? I guess that I shouldn’t question it!
I did get my 2nd shot Thursday and I felt great afterwards, well for awhile I should say. Did some grocery shopping and came home and stitched…then all of a sudden it hit me. Achy and I mean achy and chilly. Put on my sweat pants and got vertical under 2 quilts and 2 cats and just couldn’t get warm for about 12 hours. I actually didn’t go to work on Friday, which was the first day of work that I missed in about 5 years.
Well it’s time to finish up a few things so that I can settle in for a day of stitching!
Stay healthy and keep on stitching.
Vicky, pleased you’re feeling better, and fully vaccinated (but not fully immunized for another week or so). My daughter had similar reaction to yours, but add body aches, and high temperature (100.7) to my list of reactions. The canvas is very elegant.
Thanks and I have another week to go too to be 100% immunized!
Love that your stitching mojo is back! Makes me want to pull that piece out and start stitching it again! ❤️
Yes you should! Great hearing from you Nancy!