We’re Having a Party!


AlleyCat was busy today checking Facebook to see if she could see a picture of herself, so being a good cat mom, I obliged her of course. Some of her fans thought that maybe she was checking her email? or maybe she was looking over the party list to make sure that you are all invited?

Invited where you ask? well to the party of course! and we are having a birthday party to celebrate the end of the fourth year that Mostly Needlepoint has been around. Actually today, February 19, 2011 is the first day that Sylvester, AlleyCat and I came into your homes and your lives! I thank you each and every day for reading the blog, I thank you for your comments and I love it when I hear when I am out and about “well I read your blog!” The cats thank you too for putting up with their antics and their silliness. It started as just as occassional picture of them, but too many times I was asked, “where are the cats?” as they usually give us many purr~fect Kodak moments!

So this is a party where you get the gifts… leave us a comment and if you really, really want one thing or another, I will put your name on that list. I will use a random number generator to pick the lucky winner!

If you won last year, coming from a person who usually never has that lucky number, lets say that I would like to spread the wealth around! I do have the emails that notified the winners from last year, but not any before that…

Six cards of Entice in spring colors!

Six cards of Entice in assorted colors!

Ying and Yang magnet…

Owl magnet…

Santa Claus magnet…

Day of the Dead skull magnet…

Cat in a pumpkin magnet…

A doggy magnet…

A Christmas Tree magnet…

Luck of the Irish magnet…

and one can never have too many cat magnets!

I was undecided between starting the party now or telling you all about the Blue Bonnet Stitching Studio Needlearts Retreat…but I will save the latter for another time or two. I will just say that it was awesome as usual! Now I have a peyote beading class tomorrow and then…and then I head for Hotlanta on Tuesday morning for my class with The Embellishment Squad of Suzanne Howren, Tony Minieri and Meredith Willett at In Stitches.

I haven’t made up my mind if I will take my laptop or not with me, so if you don’t see an answer to your comment right away (after Tuesday,) you will know that I didn’t take it with me… as only my laptop remembers my password…okay don’t ask!

So again, just leave us a comment, a note or something, something. You can address it to the cats too and I will make sure that they answer inbetween their cat naps. I will pick the winners probably on March 2nd or 3rd, and I will leave this blog till then.


Sylvester says “leave me a note!” and until next time…keep on stitching


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About Vicky

Needlepoint, morning noon and evening! what could be better than this? I work on the computer in the daylight hours editing stitch guides and drawing stitches that you will see in the next Needlepoint Now for your stitching pleasure! In between this, there is time for taking pictures of my stitching adventures, Facebook and writing stitch guides for canvas that I am stitching for Needle Deeva, Maggie, Ruth Schmuff and others. Mostly needlepoint you ask? well we will talk about my cats Sylvester and AlleyCat, better known as "the brat". Of course I can't forget Felix who was the love of my life for over 14 years. He broke my heart as he departed for the Rainbow Bridge last year. Oh did I mention baseball?

100 thoughts on “We’re Having a Party!

  1. Happy Blogversary, Vicky! And Happy Lunar New Year too….I hope that coincidence is lucky for you! I would love a set of Entice. Thank you for handing out presents, but I feel reading your blog is my daily present. Scritches for the kitties too.

  2. Happy blog anniversary! I love your blog and who doesn’t love cats – I have two myself at the moment and they too are always the biggest helpers 🙂 Would love to win anything, but to me its all about the threads!

  3. Greetings Sylvester and Ally Cat,

    So enjoy your photos and the cat face magnet. Dancer,my black kittie says hello and enjoys seeing what you are doing. Getting ready to begin stitching Cat Walk with Dancer’s supervision.

    Have fun beading,

  4. Happy Anniversary! I’ve learned a lot from reading your blog and look forward to reading many more. One of the cutiest pictures of Sylvester ever. Thanks for all you do.

  5. I love your blog and am a dedicated reader. What could be better than cats and stitching with some desserts thrown in?
    I am interested in the assorted Entice. I have heard great things about it from you and others and am looilooking ng forward to trying it.

  6. Happy birthday, I think I’ve been reading your blog since you started 🙂 Love your kitties and your projects. But must admit I’m a Tiger’s fan even though I live in CA now.


  7. I really look forward to your blog, always good info! Of course we need a daily dose of Alley & Sylvester!!
    I am anxious to try the Entice, the reviews seem to be very good!! Thanks for the time you put into your blog,

  8. Love your blog, it’s my go to blog every day. Although I am owned by three Shetland Sheepdogs I still love to see the photographs of the cats. Congratulations on your fourth anniversary, keep up the wonderful work.

  9. I love your blog! I am both entertained and enlightened. Happy Blog Anniversary and we hope you’ll have many, many more! And thank you for the time and effort you put into the blog. We all appreciate you very much.

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love reading your blog; I do that every day! Love reading about what you are working on or the latest and greatest new NP item!
    If I should be so lucky to be picked by you, I would love the “Spring” colors of Entice!

  11. Your blog is a real gift for me, I check it every morning while I drink my first cup of coffee. Thanks for everything you have taught me!
    Greetings to your cats from my Max and Lily!
    Congratulations and happy anniversary….keep up the good work!

  12. you are amazing with the way you keep blogging and teaching and traveling….!!! I really enjoy everything abt. your blog esp. since I’ve a sister who lives in La Jolla and so I can picture you at Adelaide’s bc I’ve been there! Keep up the fantastic work!
    PS if I get lucky, I’d love to try the new Entice thread!

  13. As soon as I get up in the morning I check your blog! Am always disappointed if there’s nothing new there. I’m currently working on the Pepperberry Snow girl and love your stitch guide. She’s going to be so beautiful! I would love to received any of the items you’ve shown but have a soft spot for all things “cat”. Thank you.

  14. Happy Anniversary Vicky! I do so enjoy reading your blog. You keep us updated on all the news. I look forward to meeting you at the Embellishment Squad class in Atlanta. Lots of fun & learning with other “Stitching Sistas”!

  15. Vicky,
    I always enjoy seeing what you’re stitching and what the cats are up to. Congrats on 4 years of blogging. You always start out my day.

  16. Happy Birthday!! I look forward to your blog . I am an owl lover. I hope to have an owl Christmas tree. (I have some owl canvases, if I can get to them!) and the magnet could spend the Christmas season on the tree, when not at work on a canvas.

  17. Here is how I start my day – first I fix a cup of coffee – then settle in my favorite sofa – grab the laptop and punch in “mostly needlepoint”. I check every morning to see how the cats are doing and what is happening in your life – are you stitching/are you traveling? Love to hear about your experiences. Keep the blog a going – love it !!!!

  18. Vickie,
    I so enjoy reading your blog, and seeing your wonderful stitching. I sometimes need to be motivated…
    I just love all the wonderful magnets, and any would be a great addition to my collection.

  19. Your blog Is my go to first…every day. I wish I had more time to stitch, you have good . I wish I could have the cat in the pumpkin……a closer runner up with the doggy magnet. Bring winter coats, when you come east.

  20. Hi Vicky. I have never met you but feel I know you through your blog and the kitties. They always make me miss Sneakers who came to dinner and stayed 16 years. I did not know I was that good a cook. I still miss her even when she was naughty which was most of the time. I like magnets of any kind. Best Heather

  21. I just love the photos and stories of your cats, and I actually forward your blog to my husband every day so that he can see the cats too. We share our home with four felines. I’d love to have the blue and green assorted threads for my stash, but anything is a gift and a surprise, and would make me happy.

    I don’t know how you find the time to stitch all that you do. Maybe sometime you could share with the rest of us how to manage our days (and nights too) so that we could accomplish even 1/100 of the stitching that you do.

  22. Hey Vicky,
    No prizes for me, just keep on writing about what we love. Thanks, Joan
    By the way, we’re in for a warm up so I don’t think you’ll face any single digits in GA.

  23. Happy birthday! I start my day, each day, by having my cup of coffee and reading your blog and others. My cuddly Tuxedo cat loves to join me each day. Thank you for your blog, your talents that you share, and your inspiration.

  24. Sylvester and AlleyCat,
    Congratulations on your blogaversary. I love seeing pictures of you helping with stitching and writing, and helping with packing by putting yourselves into containers!

  25. So this tax accountant is a day late and a dollar short….when it comes to the party announcement! Happy Anniversary Vicky. Hope your weekend is full of stitching fun – and safe travels – and good weather. Although I like trying new threads, I think any bling would make me happy.

  26. Happy Anniversary! Still check your website every day. Love your updates. And love my little bee magnet I won last year. Looking forward to another great year for you.

  27. Happy blogaversary! I love it when your blog pops up on feedly so I can see your beautiful stitching and all the crazy antics your kitties are up to!

    I would love to add the black kitty in the pumpkin to my magnet stash!

  28. I read your blog every day. I truly enjoy all your posts lots, but my favorites are when you mention Meredith Willett. I work one or two days a week in M’s Canvashouse and Meredith and I are always bantering about something. She is so talented and I enjoy reading that others appreciate that talent. You sistahs have a fun time in Atlanta!

  29. Happy Blog-o-versary! I love reading your blog and being introduced to so much in the needlepoint world thanks to you. I am very interested in playing around with the new Entice threads, so please put me in the running for those (I’m not much of a magnet person, but love the bling I see on many pictures around the blogs and FB posts). Wishing you safe and easy travels and lots of stitching fun and passion!

  30. Happy Blogaversary Vicky. Kitties too! Just wanted you to know that yours is the top on my list of bookmarked blogs and I look forward to each and every post. I’ve also enjoyed meeting you in person at your classes at Enriched Stitch and look forward to the next one.

  31. Congrats Vicky and precious kitties,
    I won last year and my NICE ornament is out all year and makes me smile. The blog is so well rounded and gives us a reason to be happy. I must be different than the morning crew, as I like to end my day with the blog as no matter what has gone down, my day ends on a good note! The info we all glean is so helpful technically and I love to see the projects you are doing for yourself, although it seems they are decreasing due to being busy. Your pictures from seminars and market make it come alive for us in ways no one else’s does—really makes me want to go. So in short, keep doing the great job you are doing and we all really appreciate it!

  32. Check for your blog every morning to read with my coffee, always disappointed when you are not blogging. Packing for 6 months away this summer and taking more canvases than I can possibly stitch, but I might run out of things to do. You know the fealing. Would love the Santa Magnet.


  33. Happy anniversary! Ever since I found your blog I have looked forward to each post! It is part of my nightly routine to check in with your blog. Whether it is you insights into the needlepoint world, the project you are working on, or stories/pictures about your cats, it is all great! On a personal note, my cat was sick last year around the same time yours was. It was a long road, but he is much better now, and I am happy to see that yours are too!

    Let’s see.. one can never have enough magnets, so I would love to be considered for the cat face, owl, or skull.

    Please keep up the good work!

  34. Pardon me for being a big Red Sox fan. I think you are originally from NY so I would imagine you are a big Yankees fan. The rivalry just isn’t what it used to be. You and I do have alot in common… baseball, needlepoint, and of course kitties. I have an elderly cat and I can’t imagine life without her. I read your blog every day on my lunch break at work and so enjoy everything about it. I love all the gifts you are giving away but the cat in the pumpkin magnet maybe my favorite. Keep up the good work Vicky!

  35. It was great meeting you at the Blue Bonnet retreat! 🙂 I’d love to have the black cat in the pumpkin magnet.. or the spring time entice collection!

    Congratulations of 4 years of blogging!

  36. Congrats on your anniversary!! Here’s to another year of your sharing your talents and of course your kitties with those of us out here in blog land.

  37. Happy Blogaversary, Vicky! I’m so glad you won that wonderful door prize at In Stitches! I never win anything either, but if my luck changes, I’d love the spring colors of Entice since I’m working on some MS Easter eggs. Would love any of the goodies actually – wow, what a generous amount of things you are offering! Congrats again – I got a little behind lately but am an avid reader – please don’t stop! Love your blog and have learned so much. Thanks!

  38. I don’t need a prize; I just wanted to say that I enjoyed seeing you at In Stitches! (I was wait-listed for the class 🙁 but that is my ‘home’ store and I needed some threads, so wandered in while the class was in session). Pam

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